Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, June 23, 2017

Ramadhan is coming to an end

Yes. It is almost a month fasting. Congrats for those who managed to do so. Yg feeling unwell, takpe there is more room for u to improve kan. Boleh nnt buat puasa sunat. This time ramadhan month feel a bit diff coz i am pregnant. Like 2 months lagi b4 my due date. Inshaallah semoga dipermudahkan. I mmg ada rs worried, risau, happy, sad.. Campur campur. And everyday praying that my emotion is stable. Bukan apa. This time pregnancy, i banyak giler rs feelings mcm2. And semua tu i bnyk write it in blog. Malas nak cerita kat sapa2 sbb rsnya tu diri sdiri yg lebih paham. :( kdg2 hug itu budak kecik lagi best. Because they r small and they r genuine. Love u babies.. Bam n badik. Hehehe... But i know, soon u will grow up too. And u too will try to spread your wings as wide as u can be. Inshaallah. :)

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