Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 5, 2017

Uncomfortableness and uneasiness

This few days been feeling its too hot that i felt like suffocating. With the surroundings of open burning. Rasa x selesa sgt. U know when it is hot. U rs semua tak selesa. Even aircond pun i rs panas. Berpeluh i. Hadoii.. Asyik nak marah je. Baik diam. Nmpk la muka moody. Sabar ye baby, we are in the 3rd trimester already. Lagi 2 bulan nk beranak. Hadoii.. Tu lagi satu worriedness i. Mcm bnyk benda la nk pk. Confinement lady, cleaner lady, maid ke helper ke. Hurmm.. Inshallah ther's a way.

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