Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, April 29, 2018

New slippers for me

The old ones dah kopak. Abah nak repair kan. Yesterday hubby belanja satu pasang yg baru. Simple tapi i suka. Terima kasih. :)

Make-up class for mummy

Supposed to be today. Tapi last2 cancelled sbb org tak cukup. Saja nak try pegi for myself. Itu pun mula2 mcm bnyk reason fikir that alahh buang duit tengok utube dah lah. Sibuk nak pegi sana sini. Soo many things lah. Pastu last2 tak jadi. So maybe ada reason betol2 kenapa god tak bagi pegi kan. Told my sis too is next time she wants to go also.

Followed daddy to JB again

Yup. For just one night. We stayed at KSL Hotel. Not that far from his training place. Hotel mcm kotak hbs. And so sejuk even when we off the aircond. We had one queen one single and one baby cot. So tau dah lah sape tido mana kan. Hahaha.. Pastu next day before check out we played at the pool and the waterpark. Yang paling seronok kids lah. Ponteng sekolah lagi. :)

Before balik journey begin kita pegi singgah roti kacang pool and mee rebus stulang. Nyamann bohh!!

Dinner stop by melaka. Husband nak jugak laksa jonker. Tapi laksa kawin dah hbs. He bought laksa assam, durian abc and ada woven bag. Pastu as usual singgah pak putra naan. Roti naan paling tersedap di dunia. Kata zafran. :)

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Steamboat dinner at Johnny's

Last night our family had a steamboat dinner at Johnny's. Ok not bad. Ourselves mmg jarang makan steamboat. Once in a while sedap jugak. At first a bit worried if kids can enjoy the food tp ok. Ada cousins kan so they all enjoy eating. I ordered plain white rice additional. Tak cukup nnt if just mkn tu je. Hahaha. My sis asked to order fried rice. Tp decided to just go plain rice. Boleh enjoy dgn soup dia. Tomyam a bit spicy. Tp zafran suka pulak. And kena order additional milo ice. Kenyang jugak. No need additional dish. Alhamdulillah. Balik tu kids dah tido. Penat.

Monday, April 16, 2018

3 kids with the latest age 8 months

Time moves so fast. My youngest is already 8 months. Going to be 1 year old soon. Ohh goshh mmg so fast. Mcm no pause or stop or rewind. Bila time2 ni kdg2 tu teremo pulak. Mula lah nak drop few tears. Hahaha.. So shima.. :)
Hurmm... Not sure whether i have raised these 3 kids accordingly or salah method. I pun tak tau. Kdg2 tu marah mmg sgt marah. Tp istighfar bnyk membantu. To mummy's cutie pies, love u olls very much. Hope u be someone awesoem when u grow up. Love u.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Nasi ayam mancongkam

Lama betol tak makan nasi ayam mancongkam. I think it was like nearly 10 years. Dulu ada kat shah alam. Pastu dh tutup.. Diorang ada kat gombak je. Tmpt lain takde rasanya.

Ptg tu blk minum air kelapa drive thru. Beedapp.. :)

Kain hunting for baju raya

Finally dari bulan 2 until today i dah beli kain for hari raya. Padahal tak puasa pun lagi. Hehehe.. :) bukan apa. Nnt nk tempah tailor tak nak amik sbb dah lambat. Kita beli kain lace tp simple je. No beads or labuci or sequin. And it is blue. Dark blue. Mmg first nak color tu tapi biasalah bila sampai kedai kain je terus mcm ehhh semua color lah cantik. Nak color apa pun tak tau. Rambang mata kita. :) next week plan to tempah already.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Trip to JB

Yes it was husband's friend wedding invitation. So he and his close friend planned to go lepas tu nak pegi legoland. We started our journey on friday evening. We reached jb around 11pm. The day before tu i was having flu. Suddenly. Due to excess heat. My body cannot tolerate with it. 2 days before i minum bnyk gila air kosong. And of course shi2 pun bnyk. Before we took off, went to take my medication just to spare on the way to south. Kids were of course excited. Si zayyan awal2 friday dah siap tp belum jln2 jugak lagi. Hahaha.. So cute. Alhamdulillah journey went well. Kita ada stop few places. To rest ourselves. Makan n minum.. Satu kat pagoh satu dah mmg kat kulai. Nasi lemak #7beradik

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Housewife or SAHM

Was reading through someone's elses post at fb. Not sure who was it. Mcm eh eh dia ni. She said she was waiting for the postmen tapi tak arrive arrive and she has got to do some other things. Wasting her time. She said that if housewife boleh lah tggu. I was like eh eh dia ni. Yess kita ni housewife tapi jangan ingat kita tak busy. U may look at us  bnyk masa tak actually masa tu sgt pendek. Tau2 dah petang. And your to do list keep on bertambah. Pastu if sakit ke u cannot have mc. U still have to make sure your kids ada food to eat. I was lucky jugak husband tak cerewet sgt bab makan. Cuma dia akan cakap bunyi sedap sket kalo nak improvise. Hahaha.. Oklah. Nnt kita try masak lauk lain eh. Setakat ni lauk yg biasa masak. Semlm tried masak lemak cili api. Cair sket. Santan kurang. :)

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Missing everyone

Kiddos have grown up. Was browsing their videos when they were smaller. Pelat manja. Now dah besar sket nak marah2 ckp bad words, nk gaduh, nak sepak, nak pukul. Goshh tak suka la. Today i started already with kids. Kalo i dgr dia mention bad words smp 20x then that's it i am going to put chilli dalam mulut. Elok kot buat camtu. Bam i dah catch 3. So tggu zara punya turn.

At the same time missing my husband. The one yg i choose to be with until end of my life. He is now posted out of skirt. Keje luar. :) love u hubby. Wifey miss u very much!

Well hello april

Today sepatutnya if dulu2 time sekolah dah kena april fool. Tapi now dah getting older and matured dah takde dah benda benda tu semua. Today's kids activities pegi rock camp. Not an actual camp. Tapi they got to spend the time there jumping and climbing until my eldest son tanya bila nak balik ni mi. Hahaha. Love u kids. Hope they enjoyed their time over there. Once in a while dari dok umah je main game. Zayyan pulak taking the opportunity tido kat sana. Mcm comfortable benor lah. Dia bukan nya kesah pun. Something like me. Hahaha. He behave sket today. Masa outing dgn tiga org anak harini. Pastu dah lapar makan kat tcrs.. Ordered simple menu yg cepat. And amazingly kids hbs sorang sepinggan nasi tu. Air milo 2 mug share share. Smp rumah tokmak rest tido smp la maghrib. Pastu mandi minum milo makan roti gerak tapau mcd and off to klang. Reached home daughter mengomel pasal cousin dia conteng board dia dgn magic colour. Takleh hilang. Bengang dia. Membebel ni. Smp siap sorok magic color dlm bilik. U know sometimes i wonder sampai bila everytime i have to simpan semua brg that is ours dalam bilik? Until we got our own house. Like org lain have no respect dgn brg u. Pastu mcm alahh takpe. Kalo kopak boleh beli lain. Duit banyak kan. Aarhh memuyaki. Sabar lah wahai hati.. Teringat the other day i mentioned to husband i makan hati. Tu yg kurus2 tak gemok. Hahahaha. :) biarlah..