Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Housewife or SAHM

Was reading through someone's elses post at fb. Not sure who was it. Mcm eh eh dia ni. She said she was waiting for the postmen tapi tak arrive arrive and she has got to do some other things. Wasting her time. She said that if housewife boleh lah tggu. I was like eh eh dia ni. Yess kita ni housewife tapi jangan ingat kita tak busy. U may look at us  bnyk masa tak actually masa tu sgt pendek. Tau2 dah petang. And your to do list keep on bertambah. Pastu if sakit ke u cannot have mc. U still have to make sure your kids ada food to eat. I was lucky jugak husband tak cerewet sgt bab makan. Cuma dia akan cakap bunyi sedap sket kalo nak improvise. Hahaha.. Oklah. Nnt kita try masak lauk lain eh. Setakat ni lauk yg biasa masak. Semlm tried masak lemak cili api. Cair sket. Santan kurang. :)

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