Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Well hello april

Today sepatutnya if dulu2 time sekolah dah kena april fool. Tapi now dah getting older and matured dah takde dah benda benda tu semua. Today's kids activities pegi rock camp. Not an actual camp. Tapi they got to spend the time there jumping and climbing until my eldest son tanya bila nak balik ni mi. Hahaha. Love u kids. Hope they enjoyed their time over there. Once in a while dari dok umah je main game. Zayyan pulak taking the opportunity tido kat sana. Mcm comfortable benor lah. Dia bukan nya kesah pun. Something like me. Hahaha. He behave sket today. Masa outing dgn tiga org anak harini. Pastu dah lapar makan kat tcrs.. Ordered simple menu yg cepat. And amazingly kids hbs sorang sepinggan nasi tu. Air milo 2 mug share share. Smp rumah tokmak rest tido smp la maghrib. Pastu mandi minum milo makan roti gerak tapau mcd and off to klang. Reached home daughter mengomel pasal cousin dia conteng board dia dgn magic colour. Takleh hilang. Bengang dia. Membebel ni. Smp siap sorok magic color dlm bilik. U know sometimes i wonder sampai bila everytime i have to simpan semua brg that is ours dalam bilik? Until we got our own house. Like org lain have no respect dgn brg u. Pastu mcm alahh takpe. Kalo kopak boleh beli lain. Duit banyak kan. Aarhh memuyaki. Sabar lah wahai hati.. Teringat the other day i mentioned to husband i makan hati. Tu yg kurus2 tak gemok. Hahahaha. :) biarlah..

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