Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Trip to JB

Yes it was husband's friend wedding invitation. So he and his close friend planned to go lepas tu nak pegi legoland. We started our journey on friday evening. We reached jb around 11pm. The day before tu i was having flu. Suddenly. Due to excess heat. My body cannot tolerate with it. 2 days before i minum bnyk gila air kosong. And of course shi2 pun bnyk. Before we took off, went to take my medication just to spare on the way to south. Kids were of course excited. Si zayyan awal2 friday dah siap tp belum jln2 jugak lagi. Hahaha.. So cute. Alhamdulillah journey went well. Kita ada stop few places. To rest ourselves. Makan n minum.. Satu kat pagoh satu dah mmg kat kulai. Nasi lemak #7beradik

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