Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 27, 2019

Dinosaur exhibition

Kids had fun. Tapi zayyan ada part tg takut tutup mata. Hehehe..

Melaka trip for the kids as well

In between the 8 nights, we headed to melaka for 2 nights trip for afamosa cowboy town. Ok its worth it. Eventhough tgh hari hujan tp towards the night it stopped. So we could enjoy the parade show. Very classic in their own way. Kids of course hd fun. Enjoy the show.

Off to Nilai for 8 nights

Last minute plan. No trips to langkawi as planned earlier. Coz daddy got to work till the week before christmas. So here we are at nilai for 8 nights. No luxury hotel. Just a homestay. That would do. Sbb as long proper place to sleep and got swimming pool. At first ingat ada rice cooker. So i can cook just beli lauk tapi in the wnd we makan lunch and dinner kat luar. All shops we go. Coz our homestay is above the shopping mall. Turun bawah ada supermarket, laundry, eating places, playground and of course clothing shops. Tapi kita more to eat and to supermarket instead of others. Kalo shopping baju, our place got so many more options. Rite. Talking about the swimming pool, the water was cold. And the place is windy. So i ended up celup kaki je lah dgn zayyan. Zafran zara and daddy hebat sbb swim terus. Kids suka lah. Memang routine lepas bfast mesti akan turun to pool. Sampai almost 12 naik mandi2 siap for lunch. Then lepak room je lah main game. We brought ps4 as well. So they can kill time. Hari tu wondering should we go or not. I ingat takyah lah ikit tp husband ckp ok je utk pegi. Within their budget. So ikut je lah. :) thanks hubby. Love u too!

Abah’s birthday

1st December - yes abah’s birthday. We had a family gathering dinner date dekat shah alam and alhamdulillah semua pun ada. And of course lah ada sebab tu kan ketua keluarga. :) abah dah 70 years old. So touching sbb abah dah getting older. Rasa nak nangis je . Semoga allah panjangkan umur abah ku. Diberikan kesihata. Yang baik. Dipermudahkan urusan nya. Kami sayang abah. 😊

Bear with me ~ many posts in one date :)

Yess and its like december has got 4 more days before it is end and of course last of the year 2019.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Christmas deco has begun

zara as usual mesti nak snap snap picture. Hehe. Daddy ckp mcm mak datin.

Me and youngest

Geram nak gigit. Tak boleh diam dia ni.

Another long weekend at work has over

Yess. Finally husband finished east coast session and i am really really happy. Rasa lama sangat dia away sampai i pack his underwear for the last trip pun salah. Tak cukup. So he got to do like other pakai dua kali and terbalikkan side. Hahaha.. pastu weekend well spent. Pergi mall, lepak starbucks. Our favourite hangout spot. Kids play around. And special thing is i dapat makan dim sum and udang masak nestum yg dah lama sgt nak makan. Tq yang! Yesterday he was on leave and pegi mall lagi lepas lunch. Jalan2. Zafran nya PS4 pro dpt replacement sbb yg lama dah rosak sbb zayyan masukkan cd bnyk2 dlm cd slot tu. geram je. Rasa nak gigit pipi dia sampai nangis. Zara got her attendance gift which is the pencil case frozen 2. Lebih kurang like smiggle punya. Tak mahal sgt so oklah. She is happy and the pocket tak rasa burning sangat. :) movie time next weekend pulak ye.

Aside of that, my laundry has been piled up. And alhamdulillah last night i managed to complete it until 12.30 pm. If postpone lagi nnt mcm bnyak sgt pulak. Pening dibuatnya. Hehehe :)

Monday, November 11, 2019

Long week i felt

Sebab husband pergi penang. Work. Feels like soo far away. Mcm 5 - 6 hours drive baru sampai. :( hurm been handling my kids sendiri. Siapkan food everything. Send to school. Lepak rumah tengok tv sesama. Well husband. Wifey really misses u. Take care over there.
Saturday eldest son got the first tournament to attend. Waduh!! Been thinking wuite a long day tapi masuk semifinal kalah. Takde luck! Try your best kiddos. Love u! Jangan stress sgt. Malam tu kita dinner dekat jeram. Tq dear husband. I know he wants the best for everybody. Love u busyuk!

Haha.. ni kita upload picture masa tgh facetime haritu. Tgh ada connection problem. Tapi comel je. Couple dah getting older. Love u!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Happy 36 th birthday to me

Alhamdulillah. Another year has passed.and i am now 36 years old. Which i think i have reached half of average humans age kan. Tq to my my mother which keep on saying that i was born the next day before deepavali. And she keep on saying that she should name me noor meenachi. Hahaha. Or else my name would be julaiha. So my brothers teased me by calling me kak leha or makcik leha. Yelah tu kan. Anyway ok je nama tu. at least not that weird kan. Well bithday treats was so nice by husband. Ada apa2 ke tu? Hahaha. Saturday lunch kari ikan, dinner arab food. On the bday day itself lunch kfc and pizza and cake and celebration were to be at my parents house. Tq for all the nice wishes. Love u olls. Thanx husband for the treats. He is going to work out of town soon. So gonna hate the feelings that i will bw having . Btw doakan suami saya selamat di perantauan nanti ye. Love u!

Friday, November 1, 2019

October present for zafran

Attendance winner for october is zafran. And he decided to have the kasut roda like zara as well. So tengok nanti camne. Will daddy fulfill that sbb limit dia rm100 je.

Love month

Hahaha. That is what people call cause valentines day is in february and so the results of that day is in this month. Anyway, it is my month of birthday. Tapi belom lagi. Just starting to post today.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Janda baik trip

It was husband’s wish to take his mother for a holiday trip. So at first dia ingat nak pegi PD tapi because of dingdong dingdong over the time, so it was all fully booked. So we ended up here in janda baik. And lastly his two younger brothers and wife pun ikut join sekali. The chalet not that bad. Oklah untuk bermalam. Sungai dia pun mmg not bad. A different view and surroundings compare to the sea (of course). Well kids enjoyed themselves. And hopefully MIL is happy with the short trip.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

So many typo error

Typing fast using handphone without checking it back and straight away post it meaning banyaknya typo error. Not that my fingers are getting fatter but its true right. Nak cepat so that is the cost. Type dah la panjang berjela. Haha. Pastu salah type. While typing this pun dah banyak error kan shim. Hahaha. :) oklah cuba untuk nak takde typo error. Good luck!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Zayyan snap picture

Ok here is funny. Dah pandai snap picture by himself and the picture he took is his toys that daddy just bought for him. Cute kan? Hehehe. Love u too tembam!

My mum berpantun pulak

Hahah.. yes i know she is very kind and nice. And siap berpantun malam tadi. So this morning i replied to her with some simple pantun too. Enjoy!!