Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, September 29, 2008

2 more days for raya

yaay! i'm happy.. at first i dun think i haf the feelings for beraya but after a while yaay! eventhough with so many things happened i'm glad n thankful coz i managed to celebrate this wonderful month of aidilfitri with my loved ones. so many hands to salam due to all the sins i've done. sometimes when i think back, i dunno la. i may not be a perfect person n i know i've done many sinful things.. yelled to parents.. betrayed loved one..lying.. cheh! sungguh tak suke. i dh janji ngan diri sendiri to improve on myself. insya-Allah. skang ni pun tgh nak catch n fulfill the 5 most important rukun in islam. insya-Allah boleh.
last saturday had to come to work. bout the tanco thingy. stayed till around 3 to key in those info get from additional boxes. i was emotionally breakdown (biase la kan) sbb kena keje weekend, but then it went ok coz my so-hot-sexy fiancee came to fetch me at ofis. then we went jalan2 at klcc b4 we went back to our favoritessssssssssss place to buka puasa. =) i didn't buy anything. only change my watch strap. finally after few months (i guess it's already years since i last wear a watch) get back to skin strap. pusing2 .. last2 beli kuih raya. i bought kuih dahlia n keropok ikan yg dipuntal panjang2. yummy... yummy... so delicous n i'm like what...so hungry at the moment. today lepas sahur i takde minum milo coz my throat doesn't feel syok. so i decided to only drink air putih. by the way nak raya dah. hopefully it's getting better. now face dh bnyk pimples naik. sakit la. maybe it's hot then tak minum air sbb puasa. alhamdulillah sepanjang berpuasa takde la sakit ape. juz period pain the other day.
back to shopping stories. semalam i dah beli kebaya nyonya setelah meround hampir 2 jam. bengang je adek-adek ku. syian depa. hahaha.. color black n purple. cam eh btul ke nak pakai ni. then balik umah. tertido smp la buka puasa. pastu lepas kemas2 cleaned up amek hubby gi plak jln taiping. bro nk tgk kasut n seluar. i bought brooch for myself nak pakai ngan kebaya nanti. syok nye. hopefully i will look pretty. hehehe... ;)
today not many ppl at work. coz many of them dah balik kampung. tinggal a few of us je lagi. okaylah.. time to go.. chow!

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