Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 20, 2008

buka puasa time *i'm totally full*

can't imagine how much i ate for buka puasa semalam. so damn kenyang. mula2 i ate spagethi with tomato sauce. stop n rest b4 i continue to eat nasi putih with lauk ayam + daging masak kurma, ikan masak assam n mm.. tak ingat lauk ape lagi. pastu makan daging bakar then ice cream, then some puffs n puddings, not forgetting the pudding. then air sirap then teh tarik then warm water. gosshhh! banyaknye aku makan. makin gemuk la aku ni. hari tu baru timbang berat n it's less than 50kg by 1 kg only. that means 49kg la. hahaha.. satu kilo je kurang pun nak kecoh.. hahaha... i think might be it should be my ideal weight skang ni. so have to maintain this weight til married. talking bout married, already faxed those registration of kursus kahwin last week. we've chosen the dates in november. kena update dlm calendar handphone. listening to some songs at the moment. hari ni pagi tadi makan roti cicah air milo. then makan nasi lauk kuah lontong. pastu makan nasi ayam. then dinner makan nasi n daging masak merah. tadi kaki kiri n kanan terasa sgt2 lenguh. so i sapu minyak panas then terdozed off. lega la rasa kaki. malam kang nak pkai socks then nk tido. so blh rasa cam baby...at least kaki i tak rasa lenguh or cramp bile tido mlm kang. missed my beloved. does he miss me too?

today was pretty hot la. lucky stil not fasting but most probably esok will do. dah do d necessary cleaned up. hehehe =) this week ade 2 kali kena buka puasa kat ofis la. mmg sungguh boring. tak syok. because of the fal-tanco case la. smp that day, i'm emotional breakdown. mmg nekad nak cari kerja lain. talking bout work, don really happy with the job i'm doing at the moment. high pay but i'm stressed. sometimes smp malas nak angkat tepon. kring..kring.. at the other end. tapi if tak angkat nnt ade urgent things to do. hhmmm... if ckp kat orang psl i nye stress ni sure orang lain pun akan ckp "la.. cam die sorang je tgh stress" hhmm.. skang dh nampak la my current department boss ni playing politics at work and i don't think it is a good n healthy environment. but as far as i'm concern and advice by close ppl, they said tak yah nak involve involve in office politics ni. currently wat i'm doing is datang keje, kat ofis buat keje then habis keje kluar ofis dah takde masa nak pk psl keje kat ofis tu lagi. kalo do work if ppl tak appreciate buang masa je kan.

tadi baru tgk fon bil. then, cam alamk banyak nye fon bil nak kena bayar. maybe i kena kurangkan call la lps ni. to everyone.. i guess so. in that case i can help to reduce the cost bear by him. coz i see he is bearing too many costs at the moment.

went to service my pwecious ah-hon. bunyi die dh okay. not that bising. sometimes so worried dgn condition keta yg tak menentu. dah la hari2 travel gune keta tu. i kena make sure the condition is tip top. sbb if pk i travel pagi 1 n half hours balik pun around that. total 3 jam dlm keta. nak tinted plak. hhmm.. syian ah-hon. nnt ade extra $ nak gi color body keta tu balik. so die nampak cam baru. baru pk nak tuka keta. so at least masa return balik kat dad, it is in proper condition.

hmm.. y suddenly perut i rasa tak syok ni =( nak kapuk somebody but that somebody tgh sibuk. wonder wat is he up to. kalo call cam sibuk je. maybe he tgh discuss psl work. malas nk pk bukan2. trust his words of watever he says.

tadi talked with mus, macam2 la. pasal girls la. aduiihh... so many things in life. sometimes ade rasa nak nangis. wishing for a happy life til end of my life. insya-Allah. praying hard n doa banyak2 to teguhkan iman i. insya-Allah. i need some peacefullness. looking for it. the new love that i've mentioned earlier. hoping that my parents is in healthy condition. and also my family.


talking bout my radhi n fay. they dah semakin besar. radhi dh potong rambut pendek tapi sbb muke die nmpk soft. he looked so chommel.. ade iras2 girl jgk. but i alwiz told him, abang boy bukan girl. boys pkai jam, belt, topi. pastu fay skang dh makin riuh mulut die. jerit2 je. bising tapi i happy tgk die. skang dh pandai gelak n senyum. tadi nak snap gambar siap ckp adik fay smile, so there she was smiling so big hehehe.. nmpk gigi atas 2 bawah 2. nnt i trf n post k. so cute. sekarang ni i alwiz ade rase tak sabarnye nak ade babies. cute n adorable. nak hug, nak kiss, nak give all of my love kat my babies [precious one] nak sayang til end of my life. so bile die besar, they got full love from me n their daddy =) of course need guidance from both parents on how to raise kids. sama2 nak tgk they membesar depan mata, pegi tadika, masuk primary school, then secondary school, colleges and then time for them to work n get married. by that time mesti teringat time masa i nak kawin. how my parents so bz with all the preparations. if boleh n dipanjangkan umur for both parent so they dapat tgk their cucu kawin. n wishing that my parent sihat seadanye til end of their life. they r getting older nowadays. dad is going to retire soon. tgh pk camne nak bagi pocket $ kat both parent. insya-Allah boleh nanti. be positive.

thinking of downloading more songs but can't think of a song at the moment. at the same time tgh tgk tv cerekarama psl this guy yg menderhakan kat mak die. tak sempat nak mintak ampun. terasa macam i ni mmg la banyak dosa kat my parent. sbb dlm cite tu die nak tanam keranda tapi takleh nak masuk. dh 3 kali gali then the father tak nak ampunkan dosa coz die pukul mak die. tapi dh lps ustaz tu nasihat the father pun ampunkan dosa anak die and keranda tu blh ditanam. kena mintak ampun kat parent. that's why they say, hidup takkan tenteram if tak dpt redha from parent. * a mother's heart is so sensitive* sedih la. to everyone that has still a person name MOTHER in this world, love your mother til end of her life. coz syurga itu terletak di bawah tapak kaki-ibu.

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