Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

3rd day fasting

let me tell ya a storie of mine which i believe could make ya laugh. haha.. no kidding. maybe it's not funny for ya but for me after thinking of it.. hahaha..hahaha...

yesterday 2nd day puasa n first time puasa kat new ofis. masuk awal la kan. then boleh balik kul 5pm. then, masa nak balik boss ckp nak tgk figure p&l for the month of aug. so i cpt2 la do the double entries. last2 dh siap. pastu pass for approvals. then, nak tanye i psl this client yg nak kena go under litigation ke ape ke benda ntah. then, i dh bagi the best figure as wat i can get from the listing. then die tanye tanye lagi. i dh ckp alamak i nak balik ni. takut tak sempat. last last 5.45pm i chow. roughly almost 6pm la. then stuck kat jam for like 2 hours eh. i smp umah teka pkul brape. 7.35pm eh after orang dh buka puasa. hubby pun sibuk2 nak buka dah. i call pastu cam tak layan je. hmm... then i dh rs sebak sad then trus cry. aahh..cry babe.. CRY...... C-R-Y syian i kan. smp umah je.. trus basuh muka n tangan then trus buka puasa. bros gelak kan aje i. mus pun gelak kan i. tringat time kat dublin. bulan pose gak. tetibe nangis sbb tasha terkepak kaki spec. hehehehehe.. then tasha belanja cookies. hehehehe... hhmmm...=( wat a experience. pastu dgn havoc n hectic kat ofis. uiisshhh..sakit kepala i camni. nasib baik i sabar. i dh bnyk kluar tears kat this new place. environment not really. more on the ppl's atittude and work load yg ntah pape ntah. then how to ubat diri sendiri is juz ckp *sabar*sabar*

pastu today hoping for a better day compared to yesterday. jln pagi jam truk padahal kluar awal. tadi ckp ngan kakak ofismate. she said maybe sbb bulan pose. evrybody is driving sbb senang nak travel balik awal, pegi pasar nak buka pose. hari ni quite hectic. pastu towards 4pm ade keje baru masuk. hmm... geram la ni. cpt2 siapkan. then, ard 5.15 dh balik. b4 balik fon atas meja berdering dering tapi gue malas nak angkat. nnt ade je yg call asking for work padahal dh state ckp nak balik time bulan pose kul 5pm kan. so.. i pun angkat kaki la. yang syok, alhamdulillah jalan quite clear. smp federal kul 6 camtu. then zoom smp rumah. roughly tak laju sgt. maybe ard 80km/h. smp hse ard 7 sbb stop gi beli kuih pulut panggang n murtabak. balik tu amik farid kat bus stop, mandi2 then buka pose ramai2. mum masak rendang ayam. yummyy.. semua orang makan banyak hari ni. syok n happy. pastu cleaned up then gi terawih ngan mum. balik lepak atas katil then online.. hhmm..cam dh ngantuk tapi ade keje sket nak buat. as usual hoping for a better day tomorrow.

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