Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, February 1, 2010

hari wilayah today~last weekend shopping

yoohoo!! hari ni adalah hari wilayah. so i cuti. hubby kene keje arini. last weekend i n hubby went shopping2 n jalan2. bukan ape. the last few days i nye mood swing cam teruk sket la. hubby ckp pun i ni ckp bukan2. isshh.. apa la i ni. maybe i stress kot. so smp weekend we decided to go to jusco. hubby bought himself few things. for workings and casual. i tell u dari dulu time couple smp dh kawin ni kan.. his touch in choosing things for himself like clothes, shoes, pants semuanye cantik2 ok. mcm whatever he choose nmpk so elegant n yet jgn terkejut kalo price die tu murah je ok. he said yang penting comfortableness and how u gayakan the things u bought to make it look elegant and cool on the wearer. tapi mmg tak dinafikan die punye fashion mmg ade clas. kengkadang kalo die dh malas pun die stil nmpk macho. tu la hubby saya kan. hehe..

so myself.. i bought 3 dresses for maternity. cantik ok. nak pkai pegi keje bole. nak pegi wedding bole, nak pegi jalan2 bole. and i bought 2 pairs of shoes. and amazingly tak lps budget. withink my budget and not more than rm150. okaylah tu.. =)

cite bab makan weekend lps ni alamak... banyak tul i makan. cereals, nasi lauk ikan, satay, nasi impit, lasagne, nasi goreng cina, nasi lemak, nasi lauk sambal goreng *yummy*, lai chee kang..wow! first time i rasa n i really like it.. *double yummy yummy* pastu makan seafood kat port klang malam tadi. i makan udang butter, ketam bercili... *yummy yummy* lagi ok.. baby mesti suke. hehehehe...

talking bout baby.. i baru memasukkan ticker kat dlm blog i ni. roughly dalam 150 days lagi. woohoo!!.. sangat sangat sangat nervous okay i. skrang ni i dh start makan obimin. acid folic dh habis. so doctor suggest makan obimin. alhamdulillah my appetite okay than before. berat badan dh tambah sket. hhmm ape lagi nak update.. haa next check-up will be this month. dlm middle of the month. praying to God baby besar dgn sihat and cukup sifat. Amin.

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