Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

valentine's day

the previous nine valentine's day i celebrated with my then boyfriend. now he is my husband. i sayang die sgt. kengkadang bile terpk tak sangka yang we dh kawin n going to have our baby soon. masa couple kite slalu ckp nnt bile kite dh kawin, bile kite ade anak. hehe.. n all of that it comes true after going thru many things together. kengkadang ade jgk i rasa betul ke hubby i ni nak kawin ngan i. betul ke? sincerely ke? pastu bile i tanye die jawab betul la. =) ape2 pun i bersyukur and thanx God for everything Dia dah bagi kat i. n here i am wishing also that my busyuk baby ni sihat dlm tummy i. love my baby so much..

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