Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, February 28, 2010

i'm all alone

that's true. i'm now alone at home. i took my bfast already. juz wondering what should i have for lunch later. tapau or cook something at home. but what should i cook? i still have to go out n buy some onions coz my stocks finished already. mmm..maybe i nak pegi jalan2 kot. tgk la nnt camne eh. ni pun i blum mandi. hehe..

baby->mummy syg baby so much. ni busyuk mummy kan. nnt bile baby dh kuar bnyk bende mummy nk share. even now pun mummy dh cite kat baby kan. it is juz d secret between both of us. no one else can know rite? hehe ;) sumtimes when i talked with baby in tummy i feel so syok. cam die tgh dgr everything yg i ckp kat die. die like understand ape yg i tgh communicate dgn die. yesterday i told my husband that i always feel like i want to know what is my baby up to in my tummy. tgh watpe. how will die react lps i mkn. how die looks like bile tido n kalo tak tido die tgh main ape. hehe.. so many things for me to find out tapi i tau tu sume i takleh nak control. bile pk kan rasa cam so miracle dgn God's creation ni. takleh nk pk abes. mesti stuck sumwhere. another thing rite, my mood during pregnancy mmg cam yo-yo. at times i am so happy and at times i feel so sad. i feel happy sbb i dh kawin ngan orang yg i nk sgt kawin dr dulu n now i'm having his baby in my tummy. our baby. bile i sad, i rasa cam takde sape sayang i ni. even my husband. sometimes rasa cam husband i patut kawin ngan orang yang die btul2 sayang (i mean his true love) truk kan emotion i ni. sometimes rasa bile duduk sengsorang cam best. takyah nk communicate ngan sape2. tapi kan tak elok nk emo2 terlebey ni. mengarut.

yesterday had a morning emo smp nangis menitik air mata. dad ajak gi melaka. ade very close fren. pastu i jammed sbb husband nak gi air terjun ngan kengkawan die. so last2 i decide i ikut my dad. husband gi ngan frens die. tapi last2 tak jadi sbb postpone to sunday. meaning i can go with him to melaka. but we decided to go with separate cars instead of one with dad coz he plans to take me round2 melaka town having cendol. finally off we go but my camera is not charged so we are only relying on our camera phone. takpela. at least got smething rather than nothing. about 2 hours la journey then we reached there. it was a very hot day. i think hotter than kl. so tekak dah ade rasa tak syok sket. so kene minum banyak plain water ni. pastu after kenduri we gi makan cendl kat jonker walk. fuhh..sedap ok. mmg lain la rasa die compared to our place. pastu round2 lagi singgah toilet, pastu makan lagi nasi putih+ikan masak asam pedas before we naik boat tour for the day b4 truskan our journey. happy sgt and view sgt cantik. nnt baby dh kuar kite gi skali lagi ok. i was a lil bit tired that i slept ard 30 min in the car until we reached seremban r&r. mkn nasi goreng. then truskan journey balik umah. smp umah ard 12 nite. terdozed off kejap kat sofa. ngantuk+letih. smp snoring. haha.. tapi my heart felt so happy. terjaga then cleaned up. tgk husband tak tido lagi. siap kunci2 pintu lagi. bile die tgh kunci pintu i tak suke la. wondering ape la die buat smp nk lock2 pintu. bukannye ade budak kecik nak kaco die. cam soooo damn secretive. menyampah. malas nk layan.ape2 la. suka ati ko. cleaned up then tido.

well..well.. dh kul 12 noon ni. nk mandi la. then nak ready for lunch. i'm okay already. i'll take watever comes. key to it ~sabar~ and smile a lot. cherios!!

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