Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 28, 2010

starting to be on leave

i will be on mc leave b4 taking my maternity leave. well, i got not much time since laptop's available time is like 10 minutes left. i got so many things to sharebut i think lemme write tomoro coz i think i better go to bed now. gud nite everyone.

to baby --> mummy loves u so much..

to daddy --> can i juz b quite?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


unmanaged to post a continuation entry yesternite but nvm wil try to find time to do so. a gud fren of mine shared a cute but yet true quote wher she found it on twitter. haha..

"u can always get the trust of a man but not his loyalty"
not being discrimination but juz sumthing to share. hmm.. i am now married. and sumtimes the more i am trying to know more of a man the more i don't understand. but maybe man too have their doubts and difficulties understanding woman. but neither do it is juz a sort of expressing. is it true? for u 2 find out n for me to know. haha..well, wat i can do now the best is juz care of myself n the baby in my tummy. and as part of last nite's talk show on halaqah [which touches my soul] u'll feel great actually if you do most of the things in ur daily life is because of Him. GOD. Tuhan. that's where the satisfaction feelings will come. experience it urself because own experience is better than listening or reading or trying to go thru someone's elses journals. enuff said i'm going for a lunch now. nasi ayam is in my head. well can't resist this shop's nasi ayam because of it taste. n i like it. btw, had nasi ayam also on last sunday where my mom-in-law cooked for father's day. till the next post. adios!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

38 going 39

phew! wat is that? well, my pregnancy weeks calculation la. from as early as 9 weeks and now i'm going to be 39 weeks by end of this week. eh.. sekejap masa berlalu kan. meaning dh 9 months saya membawa baby saya dlm tummy..

mummy n her tummy walking with daddy eating sumthing yummy.. *wow* so rhythm.. hehehe

i nak recap je wat ever i went thru through out my pregnancy. tapi rasanye skang tak sempat sbb i kat ofis. think so at home wil do. tis blog bile baby dh besar die pun bole baca. tapi mummy segan la kalo org lain baca. rasanye ni for personal use n suke2 je.

oklah nak lunch dh.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

i'm a lil bit ok today

yep.. the blues is stil there but nvm. guess so it will be fading away sooner or later. well already bought my bfast. will start eating soon. juz thought of blogging for a while coz i feel like it.

baby n mummy ok.

oklah nak start work. chiow!

Monday, June 14, 2010

feeling blues

not coz it is on monday but i felt that for a few days. i was juz trying to ignore it. urrgghh.. hate it. and sumtimes i do even think that my husband pun tak paham. biarlah i sorang2 je. not saying that i nak layan the feelings tapi nak wat tak tau je. tak nak cakap kat sape2. when i read through pregnancy blogs and books they said mmg ade time towards end of pregnancy mothers will have blues. haiish.. takpela baby. mummy je paham kan. tgk tu baby tgh communicate with me. die gerak2 timbul2 suke sgt. tak sabar rasanye die nk kuar dh kan. pray for mummy's and baby's health ok. love my baby so much!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


weekend is here. at home blogging. waiting for turn to mandi [again] sbb dh rimas and panas. hmm... i am now 37 weeks pregnant. i got like few more weeks to go. well a lil bit nervous. and pray that everything will go smoothly and selamat. skrng juz cpt penat sket compared to hari tu. worried sket2 tu ade la.

yesterday had a makan2 for families at in-law's house. among the dishes are mee kari, nasi lemak, soto, karipap, fruits, jelly and air sirap sejuk. i was so kenyang. so for dinner tak makn ape2 pun. juz bout 11pm tu minum ovaltine cicah roti 3 keping. enuff. kenyang untuk i sambung tido balik. hehe... today bangun tido lambat plak. bfast pukul 1130. makan nasi impit and kuah kacang. mcm hari raya plak. actually pagi tadi ade teragak nak makan tu. tgh mandi bole terpk plak. tgh mandi busyuk call ckp ade nasi impit n kuah kacang. huiisshh ape lagi syokla.. bole mkn. senyum saya masa dlm bilik mandi tadi.

jobs at ofis. mmg tak habis. tapi i wil try to finish whatever yang pending so nnt i balik tak bnyk sgt nk kena follow up. talking bout maternity leave, kelantan already started to cuti for 3 months meaning 90 days. so now the ministry is proposing this to the cabinet to imposed on other states as well. hhmm.. 3 bulan tu ok ape. i pn agree. at least baby pun dh besar sket kan. ala..la.. la.. busyuk mummy ni.

oklah saya nak mandi. til then. chiow!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


i'm testing to post in ofis. i tot the other rest of the months cannot tp today can. nvm, i wil try n see later at home whether it can be publish or not. btw, i'm having lunch now.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

i missed him~

i missed d way he looked at me,
i missed d way he stared at me,
i missed d way he sensed d smell of me,
i missed d way he kissed my lips,
i missed d way he kissed my cheeks,
i missed d way he kissed my hands,
i missed d way he kissed my fingers,
i missed d way he kissed my shoulder,
i missed d way he kissed my neck,
i missed d way he called me wit sweet names,
i missed d way he hugged me,
i missed d way he says i love u,
i missed d way he says i miss u,
i missed d way he says i want u,
i missed d way he pamper me when i'm in pain,
i missed d way he laughed at me,
i missed d way he smiling 'manja' at me,
i missed d way he held me in his arms.
1 thing for sure is i miss everything bout him.
but i dunno y now he seems to be occupied by sumthing else.
sumtimes when d bad thoughts came in,
i have to fight the unnecessary but sumtimes i cant help it..
sumtimes i juz felt that he holds so many secrets which he preferred to share with sumone else.
to make my mind and heart at ease, maybe he is too bz and occupied wif work and i do believe sumthing happened for a reason.
my lil precious one is almost here. i am so happy, glad and thankful with the unspeakable joy.
n i love u so much without reason.

beginning of a new month

well.. was browsing thru my blog and yes i did not update anything in my blog in the month of may.. hmm.. how could that happened? even for a post. lemme recap. guess so i tired n a bit lazy plus hubby got lots of work to do thati cant use the laptop. btw takpe. today i nak upload beberapa gambar that i wil share with u guys. syok tau. hehe..nway lemme juz update today's story. i am at mum's house. my husband went to a wedding with his family kat kuala selangor. ingat nak ikut. jalan2 tapi not advisable. mm..how? kenala tinggal *sob*sob* takpela.. nnt baby dh kuar mummy nak gi jalan2 bwk baby. daddy tggl ok. hahaha.

today dh 6th june. my edd is on 3rd july. juz few days to go. i am nervous now. and also always pray to God that everything will goes on well, selamat. Aminn~i am planning to take leave starting on 28th june. which means like 3 more weeks for me to work so i must setel those urgent outstanding b4 i go on leave. and i believe my team can play their part really gud and close the accounts correctly. no worries bout that coz i'm sure they are more experienced than myself. wat is more important to me nowis my delivery. insya-Allah. dan mudah-mudahan baby sihat, membesar menjadi sumone yg berguna for country, religion, and ethnic. as well as be a gud kid for mummy daddy. nnt teman mummy ok sbb daddy sibuk. menjadi anak yg soleh and bole membimbing family die nnt. wat ever it is mummy loves u very much. more than anything. mummy wil alwiz be there when u need me. and mummy wil try my best to be a gud mummy to u.