Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, June 6, 2010

beginning of a new month

well.. was browsing thru my blog and yes i did not update anything in my blog in the month of may.. hmm.. how could that happened? even for a post. lemme recap. guess so i tired n a bit lazy plus hubby got lots of work to do thati cant use the laptop. btw takpe. today i nak upload beberapa gambar that i wil share with u guys. syok tau. hehe..nway lemme juz update today's story. i am at mum's house. my husband went to a wedding with his family kat kuala selangor. ingat nak ikut. jalan2 tapi not advisable. mm..how? kenala tinggal *sob*sob* takpela.. nnt baby dh kuar mummy nak gi jalan2 bwk baby. daddy tggl ok. hahaha.

today dh 6th june. my edd is on 3rd july. juz few days to go. i am nervous now. and also always pray to God that everything will goes on well, selamat. Aminn~i am planning to take leave starting on 28th june. which means like 3 more weeks for me to work so i must setel those urgent outstanding b4 i go on leave. and i believe my team can play their part really gud and close the accounts correctly. no worries bout that coz i'm sure they are more experienced than myself. wat is more important to me nowis my delivery. insya-Allah. dan mudah-mudahan baby sihat, membesar menjadi sumone yg berguna for country, religion, and ethnic. as well as be a gud kid for mummy daddy. nnt teman mummy ok sbb daddy sibuk. menjadi anak yg soleh and bole membimbing family die nnt. wat ever it is mummy loves u very much. more than anything. mummy wil alwiz be there when u need me. and mummy wil try my best to be a gud mummy to u.

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