Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


unmanaged to post a continuation entry yesternite but nvm wil try to find time to do so. a gud fren of mine shared a cute but yet true quote wher she found it on twitter. haha..

"u can always get the trust of a man but not his loyalty"
not being discrimination but juz sumthing to share. hmm.. i am now married. and sumtimes the more i am trying to know more of a man the more i don't understand. but maybe man too have their doubts and difficulties understanding woman. but neither do it is juz a sort of expressing. is it true? for u 2 find out n for me to know. haha..well, wat i can do now the best is juz care of myself n the baby in my tummy. and as part of last nite's talk show on halaqah [which touches my soul] u'll feel great actually if you do most of the things in ur daily life is because of Him. GOD. Tuhan. that's where the satisfaction feelings will come. experience it urself because own experience is better than listening or reading or trying to go thru someone's elses journals. enuff said i'm going for a lunch now. nasi ayam is in my head. well can't resist this shop's nasi ayam because of it taste. n i like it. btw, had nasi ayam also on last sunday where my mom-in-law cooked for father's day. till the next post. adios!

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