Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, June 13, 2010


weekend is here. at home blogging. waiting for turn to mandi [again] sbb dh rimas and panas. hmm... i am now 37 weeks pregnant. i got like few more weeks to go. well a lil bit nervous. and pray that everything will go smoothly and selamat. skrng juz cpt penat sket compared to hari tu. worried sket2 tu ade la.

yesterday had a makan2 for families at in-law's house. among the dishes are mee kari, nasi lemak, soto, karipap, fruits, jelly and air sirap sejuk. i was so kenyang. so for dinner tak makn ape2 pun. juz bout 11pm tu minum ovaltine cicah roti 3 keping. enuff. kenyang untuk i sambung tido balik. hehe... today bangun tido lambat plak. bfast pukul 1130. makan nasi impit and kuah kacang. mcm hari raya plak. actually pagi tadi ade teragak nak makan tu. tgh mandi bole terpk plak. tgh mandi busyuk call ckp ade nasi impit n kuah kacang. huiisshh ape lagi syokla.. bole mkn. senyum saya masa dlm bilik mandi tadi.

jobs at ofis. mmg tak habis. tapi i wil try to finish whatever yang pending so nnt i balik tak bnyk sgt nk kena follow up. talking bout maternity leave, kelantan already started to cuti for 3 months meaning 90 days. so now the ministry is proposing this to the cabinet to imposed on other states as well. hhmm.. 3 bulan tu ok ape. i pn agree. at least baby pun dh besar sket kan. ala..la.. la.. busyuk mummy ni.

oklah saya nak mandi. til then. chiow!

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