Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 26, 2014

One more day before the event

Pretty nervous and risau. How is the condition going to be. Not really thinking bout cash but more on how to manage it. Husband gives his full support towards it. With all the preparation, money, effort and time he has used. I cannot make him fail. Insyaallah. Will do my best for the very best. Doa dan doa semoga semuanyaberjalan lancar. Yakin dan inshaallah.. 

Husband has left for the set up. Stocking and packing are done. Tomorrow we can roll out for the event already. 

Now abam mcm heaty sket body dia. Maybe sbb penat n tired. This whole week bnyk ikut we all. Tido tak brapa tido.. Cian dia.. Love u two a lot. 

To my husband, thanx for all..

We are here ~ settling passport

Mmg almost one full day to settle our passport. 80% done. Tggl last 20% br btol2 hbs. Break one hour before collecting. So now resting at kopitiam resting and sipping a cup of tea. Take a look at their faces n mine too.. Hehehehe...

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Him n his cheeky faces...

Gerammm sgt kt dia. Nk kiss aja... 

Thursday, December 18, 2014


I've been unwell for the past few days. With running nose. Headache. Dgn rs nk muntah.  Ishh... Isshh.. Malas nk ikut pening ni tp nyut..nyut rasa kepala... :(

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Abam and awa..

Something to share

U know sometimes i just feel like talking to somebody but sometimes dont know who to talk to. Like i've mentioned the otherday, mcm biarlah... "Biarlah ku rela melepasmu..meninggalkan aku" nidji. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Abam's new hoody sweater

Comell.. Daddy bought new clothes for him. He likes it. Risau jgk takut dia tak suka. Hehehe.. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Welcome December

Last month of the year of 2014. Ooo..ooo... Hehehehe... Mcm nervous pun ada.. Event is coming soon. Lagi 3 weeks aje.. Things not much done. Hubby is outstation so i guess kena tunggu dia blk before we can finally talk on it. I am also on block leave until 30th. So nnt kita update lagi yehh..

Sunday, November 30, 2014


30 nov 2014

Another sunday... And it's last day of sweet november... Hubby is leaving soon to jb for a week. Sob..sob.. Oklah nk give lunch to kids..

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Connection connection..

Alahai... Sabar je lah dgn connection ni. Lately mcm apa je... Its like takde 3G lagi laju. Boring i tau.. Many things cant do coz of it. Even kt ofis pun takde connection. Restart dh bnyk kali. Nk kena call lg customer service agaknya... Hurmm ... 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Son enjoying himself with numbers

Playing around with numbers. He is loving it.. :) comel sgt. Even though terbalik but he's getting hold of it. Good job son! 

Dua dua minum air sirap.. Hehehehe.. :)

Look at them both. Love them so much!!


Testing new apps on ipad. While waiting for maid to get her hair treatment done. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Tengok adik

Kemain lagi bleep. Siap angkat dua dua kaki letak kat bed abam. If abam is awake...not sure he'll be be fine with it or not.. Hehehhe.  

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Feeling weird

Deary dear. I wasnt feeling so in good mood. Since few days back. I'm not sure why. Tried to ignore it tp funny. Maybe just so emotionally down. Cant help. I just felt like i'm not in the position to talk to my husband. Being quiet is much more appropriate rather than i have to create some topics to talk to. Maybe the things i talk doesnt put him in the interest. Talking about men, mmg i x phm. But like both my mom n MIL said when he stepped out of the house, he is no longer ours. Susah nk ctrl benda tu.. Hoping for d best of all situation. I kena focus blk mind.. That I CAN.. i CAN...tapi kan i pelik la husband i ni this few days, pg toilet nk bwk fon, maduk mandi nk bwk fon, pg dpn nk bwk fon, pg blkg nk bwk fon.. Mcm bercinta plk. Ntahla.. Suka hati dia la.. Mls nk layan.. Pastu bila i tanya benda diam x jwb. Dah bnyk kali kena mcm tu. Sometimes that thing sakit hati plk. Aishh...i ni stress sbb husband ke?

Dulu masa couple, when i felt sad i just want to be alone, i pernah request kt bf i time tu if we take time off tp dia tak bg. He asked what for? Now dh kawin, mcm mana nk take time off? No conversation je la... 

To my beloved chitom and elo, mummy love u til jannah..betol ckp org kasih ibu dibawa ke syurga. How i miss my parent..

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Browsing some photos of others witheir kids

Missing my kids so much!!!

Am i a good mummy to them?

Love them so muchhh.. Mucho..muchoo..mucho..

Selamat pagi, November

Here we are in the month of november of 2014. The month of where i was born. Hehehe... Just got 2 more months b4 we close for the year. And we got soooo many things to do and catch up. With work, life, family, health and personal. But must be according to WORK LIFE BALANCE. 

Yesterday had a dinner treat from ex-colleague. Had dinner at ben's klcc. Wanted to go nando's tapi full. So nak pg chinoiz mahal la plak, so decided pg ben's. Oklah tried the seafood spagetini. Portion quite big. Mcm kenyang. We also order salad, portion pun bnyk. And because it is a treat she asked me to take different drink. So i took latte. Nyum..nyum..

I am now tgh service keta. Having breakfast at the cafe. Mcm nak call husband suruh fetch me tapi this morning when i spoke to him i'm leaving dia mcm mmm..mm.. Not concious. Still sleeping and sleepy. Donno what time dia balik yesterday. Entahlah. Tggu je la kat sini. It's fine.

Btw, planning something big later on.. So insyaallah.. Mudah mudahan dipermudahkan. Aminn.. :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Life updates

It's been such a very long time since i had a long post on my blog. Where is all the time at least for 10-15 minutes for long writing. Yes i am a mother of two. My time is most occupied with these two little apple of my eyes. But i can still do that actually. In the train while going to work. I feel no bcoz it is something privacy which i prefer to write it while i'm alone. In the office during lunch hours which i thhink is suitable la.

Currently my busyuks not feeling well... Syian dua dua org...

Love them so much!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Welcome another week in october

Well... Work going on like normal. Bank recons bank recons bank recons.... Haisshh..

But i havent share something with you yet. Tapi nanti la kita bagi tau k. Hehehe..

Last week the whole week MIL balik kampung. A bit rushing. Tapi thanks to Qaseh. Helping me a lot in handling my kids, cooking, kemas2 and ada few times rasa letih but alhamdulillah controllable. Boleh la nanti try promote kat orang lain. Hehehehe... :)

Now tgh siap nak pg work. Kids sleeping. Love them so much.

Till we meet again.

Sayang abang adik soooo muchh!!!

This picture was taken during the hari raya aidiladha. Time tu semua tgh pg sembahyang sunat. We all lps siap sempat berpicture picture. Hehehehe...

Friday, October 3, 2014

Happy birthday daddy faiz

Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki. Berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. We love u always..

Friday, September 19, 2014

Another week has gone

Yess.. Cpt giler time jln. Ni tau2 dah nak next closing. Arghh.. Mcm br submit report tu report ni. 

Now, rumah MIL full of sedara mara since last week. First, her sister is leaving for Mekah tunaikan ibadah haji, second, another sister's son is getting engaged with a sweet girl from sg kandis. Third, her cousin just came back from kem askar. (He is an army). Yesterday, got kenduri arwah coz FIL dah past away masuk tahun ke-2.

Anak2 being growing healthily and happily. Bnyk benda for them i pk nak buat. Sooo many things. Mummy love u and will always pray for u.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Lil lala has been crying most of the time

Look at her.. Been crying and merengek..  Cranking and fussing about something which i dont clearly get her. Pity her. Mummy loves u so much!!!

And yesterday another trial of scone baking. Hehehe... Oklah. There is still some improvements.

Lil lala has been crying most of the time

Look at her.. Been crying and merengek..  Cranking and fussing about something which i dont clearly get her. Pity her. Mummy loves u so much!!!

And yesterday another trial of scone baking. Hehehe... Oklah. There is still some improvements.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

New month~september

Huhu.. Tup tap tup tap dh masuk bulan sembilan. September time. And yg paling i risau is sesi temuduga hari tu. Sgt sgt sgt nervous. N tak tau lah nak describe mcm mana feelings tau. Bermacam2 benda i dh baca. Info to update myself. And at last the day has come. I have done my very best and berserah dan bertawakal kepada Allah swt. 

Currently both my kids are not feeling well. Medication time. Batuk and flu. Mungkin musim kot.

Esok 15 pastu cuti hari malaysia. Esok keje. Save cuti for year end.

Alhamdulillah our new maid has arrived. She is still young. 24 years. Banyk benda nak kena ajar. Just now i just taught her how to iron daddy's clothes properly. Boleh la. Kena belajar bnyk lagi.

Oklah.  Time to go. Nnt i update lagi ye.


Sunday, August 31, 2014

Holiday time...

Yaay!!!...... Holiday time.. Planned for hello kitty time again. Kids like it though it is the third time we've been there. Biarlah..

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Weekend at homa

Feeling quite unfit the past few days. Had a massage session earlier. Had to repeat again. Body pain lah.. Syian mummy... :(

Well the last weekend for raya. Mcm sad tp wanna know something excellent? I did "puasa 6" and finished it. Alhamdulillah... First year did it and insyaaallah to do more in the future years.. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Selamat hari raya

Tak update sgt blog masa raya

And anyway HAPPY 5th anniversary! Alhamdulillah..

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Hair do

After few years of not doing anything to my hair, i actually wanted to perm my hair. I told my husband early of the fasting month. I thought of just going back to my new hairsalon where she used to style my hair. But after my husband checked out a new salon via instagram he suggested me to go there for a try sbb results dia nmpk cantik. Ada style la. I thought can just walk-in. Tp tak boleh. Kena buat appointment. 1st attempt call, all slots were fully booked. I mcm frustrated sket la sbb nak buat hair tp tkde opportunity. Pastu my hubby suruh go for another attempt. Call and ask around tanya ada slot lagi. So i went on book la. I mcm aahh.. Oklah.. Just grab the opportunity kan. U'll never know. 

Until the day has arrived.risau ada,  pelik ada, mcm2 feelings la. Nervous, takut. Mcm2 ada sbb i read up a lot of digital perm. Mcm scary je. Pastu duration dia plak dlm 4 jam. I pun alamakk.. Expect the worse la. That's the best i can do for the moment. Husband accompanied me there. Seblom dia buat, haaa.. Kena bagi advise by their sifu. Mcm pelik la. Coz never experience something like that. That is what yg panggil knowledge. She said my hair's texture tak boleh buat perm.
1) my sculp not strong
2) my hair actually ada sket2 curvy wave kat hujung
3) rambut i cantik tak payah nak letak chemical lagi nak rosakkan dia.. 

Finally after 20 minutes of consultation, decided to go for hair trim and sculp treatment. Rambut i yg pnjg smp pinggang dh tggl bra-length. Rs much easier to manage and rs ringan. Pastu fringe potong sket. The style that i always like my fringe to be. Pstu start using sculp shampoo and hair shampoo. I nervous mula2 and pastu dh mula rs kurang sket. Feel much comfortable. And yg lagi best dah start rasa sleepy. Huaarrgghhh.. After washing, drying, masuk jap dlm astronaut machine tu. i think for like 20min. Pun lagi ngantuk... Tp sbb excited so takde la tido.. Baca magazines je la. Hehehe... 😀

After that, she applied the oil. This one to make my hair look not dry. And she wants to prove to me that i actually no need perming for my hair coz my hair dah original curve. Dia suruh apply curve cream je kat bawah. Tp before tu she keep on stressing to take care of my sculp. Cannot use hot water. Bila dh jaga sculp, then baru la rambut cantik for growing.  Hurmm.. "No pain no gain" yep.. It is true kan. Hahahaha... Pastu almost nk hbs husband masuk. He said now my hair looked like how i met him during school time.. Ye ke?? Thanx for the compliment.

To the salon, i mmg like your service. 👍 So insyaallah i will be fixing future appointments with you all..
Thanks.. I really love my hair. ❤

To myself-->selamat menjaga rambut for another 2 months for sculp treatment before i want to do something else. 

Astaga- lala fell

My daughter fell into the drAin last friday. Claimed to be pushed by brother. Donno how and why. Sometimes wondering why arrr?? No one is looking after them. Kesian busyuk mummy. She had to go for minor surgery. Kena stich la. Tp before tu kena pengsan dulu. I was in the room smp dia fell deep sleep. Rs mcm sebak sgt. Anak i ni.. I'm speechless. If i could just stay at home that will be the most suitable and finest thing. My husband tak payah nak headache2 psl anak sbb wife dia yg look after. We finished everything, discharge almost7pm. Nearly time for buka puasa. Besar dugaan kita ni yang. Semoga sabar n tabah. My parent came to visit at the hospital. Some more it's fasting month. Kesian plak diorNg kan. Bukannya boleh minum ke apa. Thank u abah n mama. 😊

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Remembering those time when my daughter is stll 1 month old

Kicik je dia. Ommell mummy... 

Happy 4th birthday to zafran

He wished for a bike. N on his bday the dream came true. Smp taktau nk basikal yg mane. Finally, he choose the orange one. He is soooooo happy n excited... 

Bulan ramadhan sudah tiba

Dah seminggu umat islam berpuasa. Alhamdulillah.. As for my self.. Insyaallah i will be starting to fast tomorrow. Tp td pun cam terpelik sket sbb stil ada brownish. How? Takpe.. Let see how. Btw, today we have gone for our 1st shopping for raya for both my beloved kids. As usual bam like fussy.. Tanak tu tanak ni, adik haa.. Siap testing lari2 sbb excited dpt try baju baru. Adik got herself 2 pairs of baju kurung and abang one pair of baju melayu. Tomorrow insyaallah nak pg cr baju baju yg lain plak. Aka... Tshirt, jeans, skirt, dresses, shoes and etc..

As for me, i nak beli ape eh? Tak terpk lagi. Baju raya dh ada. Undergarments tu i think i pg beli sdiri je la. Then, bag ke? Owhh nope.. New pair of shoes kot. Hehehehe...

Oklah til then.. Til we meet again. Adios!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Beli tanah

There is a potential area near MIL's house. Husband has already paid the booking fees. Together with his close buddy. Semlm while surfing jumpa la article psl agen hartanah haram ni. Risau la jgk kan. Tp doa-doa biarlah betul org yg nk jual ni. 

Next step is loan. Pastu nak kena clearkan tanah and submit for house plan. Bnyk nye keje nak wat. Hurrmm.. Takpe.. Google google mana yang tak tau tu. well, another new era in my life.. To move on to the next phase. Insyaallah.

Breastfeeding my lil girl..

Alhamdulillah.. Smp jgk hajat nak breastfeed my baby girl til she is 2 years old. Dulu time son tak boleh sbb i pregnant. Shian dia.. Tp apapun mummy love both of u so much! Semoga menjadi anak yg soleh   Dan solehah. Aminn. 

Now, my lil baby girl is growing. And she is sooooo in love into the movie "frozen" and blh siap nyanyi but her version lah. Eeee goooo... Eeee ggoooooo... Ee goo.. " supposed to be let it go" hahahaha.. Cute nye. *muahh*muahh* now dh makin besar makin bnyk perangai nye pun.

The same goes to abam. Baru2 ni dia jatuh time main kat laman. Sedey je ms i tanya nape hand abam? Adik siap jd nurse kecik. Tlg sapu2 luka tu. time nk sapu minyak gamat tak nak.. Sakit la mummy. He is also growing.. Miss u lots bam.. Dah makin besar. Makin bnyk benda he learned. Insyaallah mudah mudahan menjadi seorang anak yg baik. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

I ammmmm soooo nervous and worried..

Help me!!!! Sgt risau and nervous. Mcm tak keruan. I woke up around 520 today. Then i tried to sleep back.think so for only 20 min. Then i'm awake. Hurmm.. My dad said just be calm. Just participate in the activity. Give feedbacks and opinions. And whoaa!! There you go. Rasa mcm esok satu hari suntuk exam. Alamakkk... Apa nak buat ni.. Shima mummy aunty shim ... ~ insyaallah boleh ~ be positive.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Happy June

Holla.. Few updates that happened few days or few weeks ago.

Mmmm.. Banyaknya.. Bulan ni my kids are turning to 2 and 4. Semoga panjang umur, dimurahkan rezeki, menjadi anak yang soleh/solehah, dikurniakan kesihatan yang berpanjangan. Mudah mudahan. Aminn.. mummy will always love u.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

On the way to work

Morning! Taking train to work. It's normal. Hubby couldnt send coz he got activities after work. Quite rush in the morning. But oklah.. Hehehe... 

Daughter is recovering. Son the past 2 days cam soft stool. N cair plus lendir. Ishh.. Dia ckp sakit perut. I dh apply minyak last night. Hopefully he is recovering soon. Risaunya.... Ada mkn benda2 pelik ke? I donno. Only ppl at home can answer that. Tp i dh letak ubat diarrheakt atas meja tu.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Love u mums...

And may i will also be the best mummy for my children..

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Welcome may 2014

Well, just got back from holidayzzz... 
We went to malacca for 3 days then to johor. A new experience for us. From beca riding, river cruise and taming sari tower. My kids really enjoy themselves. Not forgetting the zoo melaka., hahahaha... Berpeluh peluh and panas. Tp takpela.. Enjoying myself.. Owhh and also the roti naan.. Yummy beedap btol... Lalalala...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Movie time...

Went for rio 2. Trying the cinema at setia eco mall. Not bad. Seat ok, leg spacious, popcorn nice. Kids enjoy themselves including daddy.. Hehehe... Siap beli pop corn no.2 sbb tak cukup. P towards the end bam dah lalak. Nk bipop. Bg kjap but he played for like 15 min b4 he gave back to me. Adik as usual. Ino the movie. Siap tepuk tgn mcm dia pun geng bird bnyk2..hahaha...:)

Ni dh blk. Dua2 dh tido letih kot. I pun nk tido dh. 

Good nite!!!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Well... As everyone knows of this case... After 18 days of searching, the results ended saying the plan ended in the south hindi ocean.. Oh my! What a shocking news to hear. Can't imagine those ppl involved especially families n relatives.. I myself everyday reading on d results checking the updates.. But this is fate.. Qada' and Qadar..

May all of them rest in peace. 


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Class ~ here i come

Chaiyok... Chaiyok.. Berkarat otak nak memikirkan pasal subject ni. Quite challenging la.. Tp insya allah will do my best.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Another weekend at segamat..

Due to haze n also fetching MIL.. We are here at segamat again dor another weekend. At first mcm mls sbb kids br nk recover tp sbb haze n sian plk hubby drive sorang2 we pun ikut blk.takpelahhh... Nway i dh beli kain ela red yg nk matching ngan kain yg my mum bagi. Nk send pg tailor je. Fashion apa ehh?. He he he....

Monday, March 3, 2014

Welcome march 2014

Going to the end of 1st qtr...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Missing my other half

Time moves so fast. My weekend is over. I miss my other half. Juz nk ada time chat for awhile on anything then sleep while kapuk. Cam time dolu2.... Tp when i look back i faham. Takpelah... I understad. Cannot force things to go ur way the way u want it. :|

Friday, February 21, 2014

Romantic month

On leave today. Going to enter march 2014 already. Last week i mc for 2 days. Leg swollen. Sbb luka tu tak recover btol. Then i pepandai sapu cream healing cracked feet. So dia dh tutup kuman kat luka tu and ada nanah. Eeeeee..... Syian mummy....

Today a week after i n hubby also take leave. MIL gi oversea. So we planned to take leave suka2 je harini. Syian our kids plak kan..

N today i berjaya masak asam pedas my mum. Quite difficult. Tapi lps 2nd try for the day. Hopefully hubby saya suka.. ;)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

I'm on leave

Taking a long break. Hubby said going to janda baik.. But dia cam fever je after got back from a long week of travelling. Tgk la mcm mana nnt. Cian daddy...

Was browsing the photos in my photo album. Tgk each pic of my kids.. They've grown up.. Sedey but happy... Mula la tu nak sayu blk.. :(

Saturday, January 25, 2014

1st class of the year after 3 years no class

Insya allah.. Focus nk complete my acca papers. Tinggal lg 3 papers lagi.. I'm taking p5. Tp room ni sejuk sket lah.. Dh bwk shawl n pakai cardigan pun sejuk.. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Digital perm..

Thinking of having it... Tp lets get hubby's opinion first...

He'll be back today.. Yahoo!!

Fetching him with bam later..

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Another boring public holiday..

Apa lah they all think at the time of setting ppl has to go to work on public holiday... Like spoiling other ppl's plan.. Sooo booorrriiinnngggg........

My tummy still ada rasa tak best lah... If another two dAys tak elok.. Maybe i'll go n see doctor.. 

K lah... Chiow!!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Middle of jan and yet i dont have time to blog what i want to blog..

Tired of working lah... New things... Not really exciting.. Penat n sakit otak... Malas nak layan.. Lets talk about something else that i like...

Letsay my kiddoss.. <of course i loveeee>

The other day we went to a huge padang having fun together... With bubble baloon.. Bam n zara really enjoying themselves.. <muaahh..mmuaahh..> semalam pegi lagi;) hehehehe...

Hubby has got back to his normal routine.. Travelling and travelling.. And travelling.. And at times i feel lost n bosannn... Arrghh!! Menyampah tol feelings ni. Can't u justgo away...
Now my kids have fell asleep. Siang tak tido sbb nak bg main ngan atok n tokmak.. Td rs relief jgk rindu kat diornag.. Dh lama tak blk shah alam.. Call pun dh dkt seminggu hari tu last.. Mmg siang tadi ada terpk.. Tup tup abah call kata nak dtg.. Yaay! Yaay! Hehehehehe...

I nye perut still cam tak sedapp lah... Ntah apa yg salah mkn since aritu on off sakit.. Off on sakit.. Cian mummy... :(