Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Baby mucut 50 days

Alhamdulillah. Dah 50 days. He is getting longer and bigger. Mudah mudahan cepat membesar. Ameen. Feeding time pun x tentu. Ikut mana2 dia boleh nk nak.

 apart from that. Daughter ada sports day. Dpt johan lah. Acara apa kurang pasti. Syian dia. Lama skip school.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Alhamdulillah! Confinement days is over

Alhamdulillah. On 1st Muharram, my 44 days of confinement dah hbs. Despite of fever, the rest manageable. Baby pun through out the nights malam dalm sekali dua je bangun nak menyusu. And surprisingly, i dah start mandikan dia on my own. Tapi kat dapur lah. Sbb i cannot bend. Hehehe. Tp soon i wil start to consume the jamus sbb i rs myself third child ni mcm weak sket. Inshaallah. Mudah mudahan.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Feverish through my confinement

I am down with fever through out my last days in my confinement. Luckily i have engaged the massage lady for 3 days. Actually i did not catch my sleep properly as i was awake every 30min.. Baby zayyan didnt really sleep that night. At first not sure why, until husband changed his diaper
.rupa rupanya ada hair dkt butt dia. Tak selesa. Tu yg menangis tak nak sleep. Sian dia. So sorry baby..my hair la tu. My hair is really long i guess smp bnyk noo hair loss.

Friday, September 15, 2017

DEXA injections

Hi. Was supposed to update this when i got the injections. Tapi ni baby is 1 month plus baru nak ckp. Hahaha.. Now almost everyday my phone got hijacked by my kids. Mcm takde benda lain nak buat. I baca in parenting magz, let the kids be bored so they will be more creative. Yes mmg la creative, bersepah2 rumah dgn kusyen. Panjat2, main baling2, tp i wouldnt mind. Yg i mind is org lain mind ke idok. Pastu lagi adventure siap main bikes tgh hari panas or pegi rumah neighbours. Kdg2 geram pun ada. Pastu bila dah bergaduh, all those bad words semua keluar. I never thought them tapi they knew what to say bila marah. I tak suka ehhh..

Nway back to the topic of Dexa. Before i got to the OT, doctor said they will give me the injection meaning to kuatkan paru2 baby. I read all sort of documents malam tu. And i was sooo damn worried i cannot sleep. What i read about is if the baby is small than their expectation weight, the baby needs the jab. And if they are less than 36 weeks. I takot and said i am already 37 weeks and my baby dah weigh around 2.5kg why must give somemore injection. Mlm tu takleh tido. Siap baca review from other mothers, how painful it is sampai kena berpaut pada besi tepi katil la, jarum panjang la. OMG. I cried ok mlm tu. Kusut. Kusut sgt. Kena kejutkan husband ckp i worried and takot. Dia ingt apa td. Suruh i tido. Then esok pagi i teringat suruh he asked his colleagues sbb ada yg br beranak. So more or less mesti ada. Next day around 10 or so tu he explained. Frens dia pun x berapa ingt jab tu mcm mana. Injection tetanus lagi sakit katanya. And they said just go. Sbb tu procedure sekarang.. Pray la bnyk2 dlm doa and say supaya dimudahkan. Mlm tu after maghrib, gerak pegi hospital. We decided to consult with the doctor first. Doctor explained, sbb baby tak go through normal.labour, so kena amik jab tu. Btw dia ckp sakit sket la. No benefits for mum. Only for baby. Oklah. Bertabahlah. And redha. Husband ingatkan i to istighfar banyak2 and selawat bnyk2. Inshaallah. So here u go.. Masa jab tu husband tgk jarum.dia yg panjang tu yg nk amik ubat, nk cucuk kat punggung tu pendek je lah. And he told the nurse i takot. Nurse gelak ckp jgn baca tu semua. Nurse ckp jgn takot. Mcm biasa je. So dia just sapu sket yg antisepttic cotton tu. Bagi sejuk, then terus jab. Jab tu sekejap je. Lepas tu rasa mcm kebas je sebelah kaki. Mcm lenguh. Then i started to laugh at myself. Apa la. Punya lah takot. This is the only things yang happened. So to those reviews yg other mothers had, mine is totally different. Maybe their experience not same as mine. Takde la sampai i rs panas2 kebas naik sampai pinggang. No such thing. And no such thing i kena pegang besi katil. Ishh.. Tu semua scary. Alhamdulillah the procedure went well. The injection kena dua kali. The next day is the same time, the same procedure.. So mummies out there, not too worried ok. Just pray for good things. Inshallah. :)

A week left for my confinement.

Alhamdulillah. Day and night has passed. A week left before my confinement period of 44 days is over. But then my own pantangness of few things has still to go on. Not sure til when..either 60 days or either 100 days. Let me decide later.  Now my importanceness (ignore my language) is the growth of my baby zayyan first then myself need to be fit before i can help my lil family looking at how bz i am after this. Hurmm.. Oklah. Tata for now.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

My only daughter

She is Daliya Zara. Shayang dia soo much. Eventhough at times so naughty, tapi dia helps me a lot especially through out my maternity weeks. Ni dah sebulan and that means dah sebulan jgk la she didnt go to school. Reason being coz we dont want to incur additional cost and she is still 5 years old. Daddy said, mucut will also go to preschool at 6. So he will be homeschooling with me until he is 5.

Despite of zara is 5 years old only, and i can see dia banyak kena kick or pukul dgn org lain. Pastu sedih mengadu kat mummy. And then when she wants nyek, i dont want to give sbb nnt nak bg zayyan. Decides to give zara when baby is full and sleeping and breasts ada manyakk susu.. 

Yesterday was bil reception, so daughter jadi flower girl. Got to dress her up. She is happy and excited la. Dpt jadi princess. Hehe. Finally dpt jgk buat rambut dia siput. Si comel.mummy. Love u!

Friday, September 8, 2017

Baby boy got his bcg injection

Cian dia. Tp mmg dah smp time kena amik jab. Mudah mudahan takde pape. Aamin. He said sakit sket.on one hand. The left hand. So dah tuam dgn ice la tu.


U know when u dont give suggest or ideas at all, ppl will say "eleh, dia apa tau" "semua tak tau". Tapi when u give suggestions, ppl will say "nak ikut ckp dia je" how is that suppose to be?? Hahaha. . Biarlah.

30 days after delivery

Alhamdulillah. Everyday not forgetting to mention this word. "alhamdulillah" sebab another day has passed. Kids alhamdulillah eventhough bnyk hal abg n adik, kena marah, kena jerit, org lain marah, tp they r still my babies. To zayyan, mlm2 alhamdulillah mummy manages to get her sleep eventhough ada dua tiga kali jaga nak susu. Now dah sebulan dah. Praying that you will grow to be a good boy, anak yg soleh, love u always. :)

Monday, September 4, 2017

A bit dissapointed with my only property

Yes. That's the way it is. If u rent it out it gonna be that way. We have to bear with the conditions of the house. I am sad. How i wish i could have the chance to stay at my own house. Even if it is small or up to level 7 or even 10, i wouldnt mind. Coz i know it's my own territory. Tp my other half doesnt like it. Stay up there. Yes i know. Tp i wouldnt mind coz i am not sure what is his future planning for us. Sometimes i just wonder. Sometimes i am just thinking. Sometimes i keep on dreaming and dreaming. Sometimes i am sad. Now my baby boy (the youngest) has born. Alhamdulillah. Is it time for me to move on to the next strategy or how? Sometimes i donno whom i can talk with. Everyday dalam prayer, keep on praying may Allah ease everything and fulfill our dreams. INSHAALLAH. Believe in God!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

EXCLUSIVE! Mucut's journal by yours truly daddy

Its Mucut's Journal

6.30am ur mummy wakes daddy's up last night was our simple yet special dinner to celebrate our 8th anniversary. We had Kenny Rogers @ Aeon Bukit Tinggi. Mummy told me there are signs that you are ready to be delivered today. Dalam mamai n tought of i can golek2x about another 5mins i straight away jump from my bed, drink a glass of water and now i need to fast foward - toilet- dress up-perform subuh prayer-recite Yasin - wake ur brother - he cried when mummy told him she need to go to hospital to deliver u today- ur sister as usual playing ur mummy's phone watching youtube-let wan know we're heading to hospital.

We arrived around 7.55 and all u and ur mummy's file is ready at receptionist. I leave ur mummy for a while to catch my breakfast nearby, so i go for roti tampal with coffee, pity my other half she's fasting today as its d requirement by the gynaecologist. while having breakfast i start writing ur journal...its only take about 10mins for me to finish my foods and now i'am with ur mummy at the ward waiting for her turn to get into the OT, at this time i feel nervous...knowing my love is going into labor, and wonder how do u look like later. In Sha Allah dipermudahkan semuanya oleh Yang Maha Pemurah, Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.

Now i am watching ur mummy reading the agreement on the bed before she put her signatory. Oh btw privacy does matter for your mummy & me since we both first met, so ur brother & sister we booked the same room, its 2 bedded but the whole room is ours. your mummy always told a joke that night after she delivered both ur brother & sister daddy will be the one who sleep and snores like no body business, as i am the one who delivered you in the morning.

Its 9.30am sharp ur mummy and me having our conversation about your existance, than we talk about life, creation, God and love...it went harmony untill the nurse come to check your heart beat. This is done by using a machine looks like a cash maching plugged with wire and ended with a book band with headphone at the end. the book band look like thing is the one they use to wrap ur mummy's tummy and the headphone is where the put on top of the tummy, when the machine is on, the sound is loud, it represents the sound of your heart beat in your mummy's womb. to be exact, you sounds like haunted locomotive in ghostbusters movie.

Your brother did call just now from wan's house asking your mummy "bila mummy nak beranak" he is 7 years old dont really able to understand to catch all the science of delivering a baby. You are small as compared to your other siblings when you are in your mummy womb, how we know that because it based on the weight tracked by the doctor everytime your mummy go for follow up check up. Its 9.45 your mummy still with the book band at her tummy, and she was sleepy and hungry or thirsty i bet, every 5 mins the nurse will take turn and take a look at the reading of your heart beat, take your  mummy blood pressure...and all the nurse things.

I just take out a few items requested by the nurse and put in on the table, its your baby wipes, pampers and funny thing i take out one yet the nurse told me...a few more, so i wonder how come your just come out and you can do a lot of "business" later? as in you eat a lot inside there eh boy? hahaha let it be. Ur mummy shirt n kain batik, of course cause she can't wear jeans.

Its 9.50 your datuk has just call me asking me who else is there? has your mummy get into the OT? datuk told me he would be arrived here at the hospital shortly. The nurse has just took d first printed result from the machine, and while writing this they already takeout the book band from mummy's tummy. Your mummy just mention back to me what ever the nurse told us about foods, you must understand for mummy & zara food is important, food is big thing for them, never mess with the food or...

Mummy told me she recite ayatul-kursi not really sleeping, i told her to recite shalawat as well which i understand is among the powerful practise to make your heart n mind calm, hear n mind = soul. to make your soul calm. 10.15 I saw you move in mummy's tummy, i come i put my face close to mummy's tummy and i talk to u you to let u calm, you move closer towars my mouth untill i can feel mummy's tummy pushing my mouth, i told you relax, i will see you later. You being so busy in mummy's tummy, i observe mummy's tummy movement.

10.43...we both fall asleep, like 10mins and at this hours i woke up and look at your mummy sleeping. About 5mins later, nurse knock the door and told that the OT is all ready and its about time to take your mummy for the procedures. I stand smile, take a look at your mummy's face kiss her forehead and wish her semoga selamat semuanya, she smile and she kissed my hand for blessing and kiss my pipi too.

10.47 so here I am sitting and waiting....waiting alone. I prefer being like this. Just me, my tought and God. Once in a while the janitor passed by same goes to the staff at the OT. Semoga selamat kedua-duanya dan dipermudahkan segala urusan. In Sha Allah.

11.00 i went down to the car simpan purse mummy. Then down to mamak shop nearby, grab a neslo panas and 2 buds of cigarettes. U dont smoke when you grow up, its an act of the stupid one. never ok!

11.13 back at the OT waiting area. Waiting...

11.16 i heard a loud cry of a baby from the OT, I am preety sure it was you, I almost shed to tears right now. Knowing bertapa mudahNya Allah melancarkan segala urusan utk family kita. So loud untill I can feel ur energy while waiting here.

11.20 One of the nurse call me, as i guessed it was you! heyyy u look like abg la dik..! sebijik but a bit small. You give the comfort sounds when I recite azan at your ear. Alhamdullilah welcome to the world son, its our temporary station.

11.27 datuk call, uncle farid call I inform them u has safely arrived. Dr Rafi says hi to me and said " suami kan? ada .......bla bla "lekat" sikit nnt i explain to u". dannng! hey what was that??? I dont really hear what he mumbled all i can catch is "lekat"...trying to call myself i said deep down my heart as long as semuanya selamat.

12.00 the nurse passed me the uri. tokma n uncle farid went for bfast. later Dr. Rafi called me showing me d pic of whats inside ur mummy's tummy, rahim tu melekat pada dinding perut after 2nd pregnancy so its ur sister. Dr call me to discuss to insert the gel which will helps the membrane so it wont stick again. the only matters now is cost, when we up for this opt cost will increase up to 800-900. i dont really interested wit d topic because at the moment what most important both of u is selamat. So i decide to follow d Dr recommendation.

12.30 Dr Niraj, d one who incharge in welcoming u out from the OT. at tis time u alredi at bilik baby. I thanked him, after looking at him stretching his arms tired maybe. He replied with thanks n tell me about your mummy conditions. He do advise me not to worry too much but need to aware of the condition. So he did asked me did u give ur wife haruan? during the last pregnancy? i replied with yes. he reply with, ok stop that. You see haruan is damn rich with collagen so it fasten there scars recovery instead of bagi time rahim mengecut naturally and that caused it to get stick to the membrane wall inside ur mummy's tummy. look at that words "mummy" and "tummy" dekat2x kan?

12.55 your mummy arrived at the ward, with drip. She shaking a little and told me she feels cool. Uncle justin called me and asked me hows everything. by now all daddy's n mummy's friend congrats us using all medium of communication. The news spread like viral due to uncle farid posting on fb congrating us upon ur delivery. thats the power of technology son. I kiss mummy's forehead & congrats her. She shed into tears. Dont ask me why, I also dont know. All I know this is normal. My advise to u when u become a father and facing the same situation, just relax n never try to judge whats wrong with her crying. dont try to be a problem solver which try to ask do u feel pain? u feel touched? the best thing to do is let it be. cause the moment you start to investigate u'll pening.

1.06 Dr Jessi come to the room while ur mummy chatting with tokma. Uncle farid is here too sitting on d floor doing his work. Datuk just call me his car breakdown earlier in the morning the battery went flat. Dr jessi introduce herself half way cause maybe she happen to recall that we had met her few times for zafran n zara.

4.30 cut short daddy had lunch wit datuk & uncle farid, n now at rumah wan waiting for d rain to stop. I need to settle ur uri. managed to beli brg2x yg diperlukan ondway back td.

8.30 finally daddy only managed to gali lubang uri due to rain ur wan will continue the task. I arrived at umra around 5.30 with ur brother & sister, your mummy looks better now, siang td dia pucat sikit.

9.25 daddy at warung wak askan now for hot water. Sent datuk n tokma down with zafran zara. I need to takecare of mummy now so both of them will sleep at datuk house tonite. This is the first time. Is not easy for them especially zafran from the eyes the way he look at me from datuk's car can explain everything. I feel d same for ur brother & sister. Not too worries daddy know they are in a good hand.

9.40 I got 1 big secret which is...yes blum mandi lagi.

End of my 1 day journal.

25 days

Alhamdulillah. Dah day 25. Semoga semakin sihat dan kuat hendaknya. Hehehe.. Mulut 'uuuuuu' tu mcm nak buat bunyi prott sambil ada isi sket. Hahaha.. :)