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Friday, September 15, 2017

DEXA injections

Hi. Was supposed to update this when i got the injections. Tapi ni baby is 1 month plus baru nak ckp. Hahaha.. Now almost everyday my phone got hijacked by my kids. Mcm takde benda lain nak buat. I baca in parenting magz, let the kids be bored so they will be more creative. Yes mmg la creative, bersepah2 rumah dgn kusyen. Panjat2, main baling2, tp i wouldnt mind. Yg i mind is org lain mind ke idok. Pastu lagi adventure siap main bikes tgh hari panas or pegi rumah neighbours. Kdg2 geram pun ada. Pastu bila dah bergaduh, all those bad words semua keluar. I never thought them tapi they knew what to say bila marah. I tak suka ehhh..

Nway back to the topic of Dexa. Before i got to the OT, doctor said they will give me the injection meaning to kuatkan paru2 baby. I read all sort of documents malam tu. And i was sooo damn worried i cannot sleep. What i read about is if the baby is small than their expectation weight, the baby needs the jab. And if they are less than 36 weeks. I takot and said i am already 37 weeks and my baby dah weigh around 2.5kg why must give somemore injection. Mlm tu takleh tido. Siap baca review from other mothers, how painful it is sampai kena berpaut pada besi tepi katil la, jarum panjang la. OMG. I cried ok mlm tu. Kusut. Kusut sgt. Kena kejutkan husband ckp i worried and takot. Dia ingt apa td. Suruh i tido. Then esok pagi i teringat suruh he asked his colleagues sbb ada yg br beranak. So more or less mesti ada. Next day around 10 or so tu he explained. Frens dia pun x berapa ingt jab tu mcm mana. Injection tetanus lagi sakit katanya. And they said just go. Sbb tu procedure sekarang.. Pray la bnyk2 dlm doa and say supaya dimudahkan. Mlm tu after maghrib, gerak pegi hospital. We decided to consult with the doctor first. Doctor explained, sbb baby tak go through normal.labour, so kena amik jab tu. Btw dia ckp sakit sket la. No benefits for mum. Only for baby. Oklah. Bertabahlah. And redha. Husband ingatkan i to istighfar banyak2 and selawat bnyk2. Inshaallah. So here u go.. Masa jab tu husband tgk jarum.dia yg panjang tu yg nk amik ubat, nk cucuk kat punggung tu pendek je lah. And he told the nurse i takot. Nurse gelak ckp jgn baca tu semua. Nurse ckp jgn takot. Mcm biasa je. So dia just sapu sket yg antisepttic cotton tu. Bagi sejuk, then terus jab. Jab tu sekejap je. Lepas tu rasa mcm kebas je sebelah kaki. Mcm lenguh. Then i started to laugh at myself. Apa la. Punya lah takot. This is the only things yang happened. So to those reviews yg other mothers had, mine is totally different. Maybe their experience not same as mine. Takde la sampai i rs panas2 kebas naik sampai pinggang. No such thing. And no such thing i kena pegang besi katil. Ishh.. Tu semua scary. Alhamdulillah the procedure went well. The injection kena dua kali. The next day is the same time, the same procedure.. So mummies out there, not too worried ok. Just pray for good things. Inshallah. :)

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