Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, September 10, 2017

My only daughter

She is Daliya Zara. Shayang dia soo much. Eventhough at times so naughty, tapi dia helps me a lot especially through out my maternity weeks. Ni dah sebulan and that means dah sebulan jgk la she didnt go to school. Reason being coz we dont want to incur additional cost and she is still 5 years old. Daddy said, mucut will also go to preschool at 6. So he will be homeschooling with me until he is 5.

Despite of zara is 5 years old only, and i can see dia banyak kena kick or pukul dgn org lain. Pastu sedih mengadu kat mummy. And then when she wants nyek, i dont want to give sbb nnt nak bg zayyan. Decides to give zara when baby is full and sleeping and breasts ada manyakk susu.. 

Yesterday was bil reception, so daughter jadi flower girl. Got to dress her up. She is happy and excited la. Dpt jadi princess. Hehe. Finally dpt jgk buat rambut dia siput. Si comel.mummy. Love u!

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