Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 31, 2018

Last day of 2018

huhu.. so sad

Went to see fireworks.

Another year has passed. Daughter going to standard 1. Eldest is going to standard 3. Zayyan is growing. Parents becoming older. Myself too. More to self reflection lah this year.

May Allah continue merahmati kita semua. Ameen.

Friday, December 28, 2018

School holiday almost over

school holiday almost over. Meaning ending of the year of 2018. What a year to went through. Alhamdulillah for all the blessings and doas and for evrything that went as it is. Eventhough ada yang  buat sakit hati ke apa ke yes that is whAt life is all about. Inshaallah for another wonderful year ahead of us. 2018, graduation for my daughter. She is going to be in promary one next uear. Everytine think about it, i feel sad. When i told her that, she also said alaa mummy jangan lah. Nanti adik nangis. :) takpe. I faham. That what mum need to go through through their lives. Then i got one more soldie aka zayyan mucut mummy. Semiga sentiasa dirahmati dan panjang umur. Love u all kids. As to zafran, mummy dont expect much. As long as boleh cope with both schools besides being a good boy. Bertuah sangat lah anak mummy ni. Sometimes geram sangat kat dia. Suka buli adiks dia especially zara. Adoiyaii.. nnt school dah start, diam sekejap. Takleh jumpa each other sampai petang.  :( to daddy, sian u lah adoiii. Work sorang like hell. Love u so!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

My mother

it is a bit question lah dengan condition dia. I is pelik. Not comparing with other people’s mom, tapi more of like eh kenapa dia ni ye. Macam so scared of things. Mcm risau sgt. Over risau. I didnt see her pray at the moment. Kenapa ye? Mcm pelik lagi lah. When i asked, she said nothing. Takde apa2. Pastu abah pun mcm nak marah je. I kdg2 kusut.

A week at tokmak’s house

spending the last few days of school holiday over here. Not much activity to be done. Besides zara’s school orientation and fees payment. Others are status quo. BasicAlly done. Cuma dok pikit dari tadi nak pegi laundry ke tidak. Hurmm..? Bila fikir balik yes i will have too. If not nak cuci sendiri mcm lambat kering pulak. Hehehe.. tapi malas menguasai diri. Camne eh?

Monday, December 24, 2018

School things shopping

well ladies mmg suka shop and shop and shop. Beli barang sekolah anak pun excited lebih. Hahaha. Alhamdulilah managed to cover all. Tinggal nak beli buku sekolah and fees settlement lah. Takde apa lagi pah nak cari . Sticker, cop nama semua dah dpt. tggl nak apply je. Mudah mudahan allah permudahkan urusan persekolahan zafran and zara in 2019 nanti. Ameen.

Shopee oh shopee

Goshh from one thing i am surveying jadi berbanyak2 barang kita dok survey sekali. And then dok fikir is it worth it to buy them. Actually was looking for the shelves. Nak letak rumah shah alam and klang sekali. Pastu fikir this one berat and big, why dont i purchase it at the mall or supermarket. If kecik brg dia then okay lah to post kan. Tapi wondering worth it ke tak. Pastu browse browse jumpa undies organizer. Do i really need it. Daripada guna kotak kasut je. Why dont we use that kind of organizer. Tapi berbaloi ke beli online? Ke better beli kat GM je. You know that kind of things. Hahaha... tu lah dia. My topic. Shopee oh shopee. :)

Monday, December 17, 2018

Macam moody je

Haishh la mood ni. Kejap ok kejap tak. Malas nak layan kan dia. :( bila ngantuk tak nak tido pulak. Tapi terkuap kuap. Sian daughter. Not feeling well. Demam. Get well soon lala turtut.

Nilai Springs

We were here for another 3 days. Followed daddy til the weekend. Then our holidays is over. Thank you daddy for bringing us to your workplace. Sometimes feel that is it ok to follow u to work. Mcm trouble kan u je dgn nak juggle with your work and your family there as well. Apa apa pun bersyukur sangat sbb dapat opportunity tu. thanx yang. Love u! Kids enjoyed the pool so much that zafran already made it to swim by himself nnt ada opportunity lagi we can go swimming. But selalunya if pegi sendiri 3 hari  2 malam je la. Tak dapt lama2 like 2 weeks. Hehehehe :) btw, bam dah reti request for club sandwich

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Melaka trip & Johor trip

followed daddy to work. 3 nights in melaka. We stayed in the pines. Middle of the town. Breakfast provided. Pool was nice. Room was spacious and me feel comfortable to staythere with the kids. Kids of course syok la and happy dok hotel. Lucky we brought monopoly and jengga. Besides buku latihan. Boleh layan2 kan diorang. Zayyan toys and bood pun bawak sMa. Hehe :) makan in melaka. Roti naan of course. Tepi river cruise and the last night kita makan apa eh? Tak ingat langsung. Pastu sambubg trip to Johor. Kali ni stay lama sket kat sini. Suka area sini. Dekat dengan hello kitty. And kebetulan the weekend ada iskandar festival. Macam macam ada. Konsert, booths, dino park and many more. Sampai lunyai badan kita ni coz we just came back from melaka trip with my family. First time ada ups and downs macam stress pun ada jugak. Geram je. It went well. Btw ni sambung balik kat Johor before our last stop for hols. Banyak dah activity back to school kat dalam kepala ni. Mummy need to settle coz daddy is away. Kita ajak uncle yed teman la nnt ye. :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Mummy got wind and sprain shoulder

Adushhh tak penah rasa mcm tu. lapar terok. Kenapa ntah. Rs nak muntah pun ada. Doctor said gastric. So she gave me ubat gastric lah. Then kena jaga food. :( sprained shoulder huishh sakit smp rasa nak demam. Husband urut 3 consecutive nights. Thanks yang. Rasa mcm nak nangis je ..

Orientation day for zara

Daddy made it to her orientation day. Yaay! Daddy made a surprise. Alhamdulillah. Love u darling. Thanx for being there for her. Tapi tau u penat kan. Muahh muahh. Comel je zara. Tak tau apa yg akan she fo thru in her life. Doakan yg terbaik utk anakanda puteri sorang ni.

Congratulations lil girl

we made it to her 6 years old graduation. So much love and laughter and tears and joy can see in her eyes. Even though daddy is not Around, mummy make sure we r there for u. Us (abang, zayyan and mummy) sampai awal la sbb nk send zara, then uncle yed arrive, then tokmak arrived. Tgk dia perform, terina sijil and all. Sebak pun ada. She is growing up. I ada told her that mummy sad sbb lepas ni bila dia darjah 1 she cannot follow mummy go jalan2. She said wait for her to come back lah then we can go jalan2. :(

Anywayss baby, love u so much. May u grow up to be a well being person.