Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Congratulations lil girl

we made it to her 6 years old graduation. So much love and laughter and tears and joy can see in her eyes. Even though daddy is not Around, mummy make sure we r there for u. Us (abang, zayyan and mummy) sampai awal la sbb nk send zara, then uncle yed arrive, then tokmak arrived. Tgk dia perform, terina sijil and all. Sebak pun ada. She is growing up. I ada told her that mummy sad sbb lepas ni bila dia darjah 1 she cannot follow mummy go jalan2. She said wait for her to come back lah then we can go jalan2. :(

Anywayss baby, love u so much. May u grow up to be a well being person.

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