Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 17, 2018

Nilai Springs

We were here for another 3 days. Followed daddy til the weekend. Then our holidays is over. Thank you daddy for bringing us to your workplace. Sometimes feel that is it ok to follow u to work. Mcm trouble kan u je dgn nak juggle with your work and your family there as well. Apa apa pun bersyukur sangat sbb dapat opportunity tu. thanx yang. Love u! Kids enjoyed the pool so much that zafran already made it to swim by himself nnt ada opportunity lagi we can go swimming. But selalunya if pegi sendiri 3 hari  2 malam je la. Tak dapt lama2 like 2 weeks. Hehehehe :) btw, bam dah reti request for club sandwich

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