Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 28, 2018

School holiday almost over

school holiday almost over. Meaning ending of the year of 2018. What a year to went through. Alhamdulillah for all the blessings and doas and for evrything that went as it is. Eventhough ada yang  buat sakit hati ke apa ke yes that is whAt life is all about. Inshaallah for another wonderful year ahead of us. 2018, graduation for my daughter. She is going to be in promary one next uear. Everytine think about it, i feel sad. When i told her that, she also said alaa mummy jangan lah. Nanti adik nangis. :) takpe. I faham. That what mum need to go through through their lives. Then i got one more soldie aka zayyan mucut mummy. Semiga sentiasa dirahmati dan panjang umur. Love u all kids. As to zafran, mummy dont expect much. As long as boleh cope with both schools besides being a good boy. Bertuah sangat lah anak mummy ni. Sometimes geram sangat kat dia. Suka buli adiks dia especially zara. Adoiyaii.. nnt school dah start, diam sekejap. Takleh jumpa each other sampai petang.  :( to daddy, sian u lah adoiii. Work sorang like hell. Love u so!

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