Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Melaka trip & Johor trip

followed daddy to work. 3 nights in melaka. We stayed in the pines. Middle of the town. Breakfast provided. Pool was nice. Room was spacious and me feel comfortable to staythere with the kids. Kids of course syok la and happy dok hotel. Lucky we brought monopoly and jengga. Besides buku latihan. Boleh layan2 kan diorang. Zayyan toys and bood pun bawak sMa. Hehe :) makan in melaka. Roti naan of course. Tepi river cruise and the last night kita makan apa eh? Tak ingat langsung. Pastu sambubg trip to Johor. Kali ni stay lama sket kat sini. Suka area sini. Dekat dengan hello kitty. And kebetulan the weekend ada iskandar festival. Macam macam ada. Konsert, booths, dino park and many more. Sampai lunyai badan kita ni coz we just came back from melaka trip with my family. First time ada ups and downs macam stress pun ada jugak. Geram je. It went well. Btw ni sambung balik kat Johor before our last stop for hols. Banyak dah activity back to school kat dalam kepala ni. Mummy need to settle coz daddy is away. Kita ajak uncle yed teman la nnt ye. :)

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