Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year 2022

31st December 2021

Alhamdulillah. We reached the last day of the year. We have moved most things to the new house. We have had a simple doa selamat ceremony with abah, mama, mak and bils. The rest of the family members, inshaallah we will call and let them know soon. :) 

Many things to arranged at our new place. Slowly but inshaallah. 

This year also showed many incidents that occured in my small family, inlaws, extended family, friends and to the whole country as well. 

As covid19 is still around, we were basically under mco for about 6 months. Movements restrictions, schools closed, husband wfh. Politics here also ups and downs. Macam2 kann. 

MIL was warded for almost 3 weeks sbb ada virus dlm badan dia. Zayyan got warded sebab fits. 

Learning new recipes, baking, cooking and many more.

Emotional, physically and mentally ups and downs.

Financially ups and downs juga ye. 

Not forgetting last thing happened to all Malaysians. Where banjir to most of the places. Mashaallah. 

And despite all that, alhamdulillah we managed to come to TODAY (the last day of year 2021).

May the new year comes, brings more joy and opportunity. Love u all very much!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Day 364/365


The 2nd last day of 364/365 days. Inshaallah going through the next chapter. The next new year. Muahh.

Despite of kemas barang pindah, current housework must be continue

True true. Tu lah some of the kains need to lipat. Half dah lipat semalam. Pastu sleepy sangat. I decides to continue the next day. And here i am finishing the balance. 

2 more days to new year

With 2 more days to new year and moving to our new house. Kemas sana kemas sini. Body dah terasa aching sana sini. Ada rasa dizzy mcm nak pening. Kenapa eh? Trying to input as many as possible so tak rasa lapar. Plus banyak berenyah ke sana ke sini. Kelam kabut bila furniture nak hantar barang. Setup itu ini kat rumah. Waduh! Waduh! Moga dipermudahkan urusan my family to move to our new place. Ameen! 

Monday, December 27, 2021


Started using this app for about 3 weeks already. And senang sikit tracking nya. Hahaha i even joined the challenge to just encourage myself to exercise regularly. I’m currently pursuing the 3km walking challenge. And hopefully dapat lah maintain that 3km 3 times a day. Tapi hari tu baru start 2 weeks, 1 week cuti sbb banjir. My house not affected, tapi memandangkan kawasan sekeliling dan juga i kelam kabit ulang alik to karya house made me quite kelam kabut in the morning especially. I need to curi2 the pagi time to do that 3km walk. Well, hopefully more challenge to come. 

Roti gardenia naik harga

I am one of the fan from many many years ago. Tapi recent news cakap the roti is to naik harga for a normal loaf tu to RM4 each. Mcm naik 50sen. Tp kita beli jugak sbb nak makan roti. Tapi kena makan dgn berhemah ye. No buang2 sbb dah jdi mahal. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Spotify 2021 hehehe

Been trying this sbb saja nak tgk apa my top songs. Sekali tgk msia’s top artist, ctdk. Plus husband’s hatipink’s new arrangement of The Place. Lain2 tu kita rock kapak lah. Hahahahah..

Klang Valley banjir

Tak pernah ye sepanjang stay in klang valley, banjir. Very very bad. Memang bad. Shah alam, klang even my place here, puchong, port klang, sepang, klia, kl and many places here in selangor. Rasa tak terkata lah tengok news and even tengok sendiri depan mata kita. Mcm speechless. Nak nangis semua pun ada. :( in fb/ig mostly share about this tragedy. Kesian. :(

17.12.2021 - 18.12.2021

Depart early sbb nak breakfast nasi lemak sotong kat banting. Plus husband nak ikut jalan dalam to pd. not that far rasanya. And rasa syok pulak sbb takde lalu jam highway. Friday morning dah start hujan renyai2. All the way to pd. tp alhamdulillah sampai2 je hotel kids terus masuk laut. Pool tak boleh sbb cleaning in progress. Room takleh check in lagi sbb we all sampai awal. 12 something. So kita pun duduk tepi laut main air lah dulu. Hehehe. Kids sempat kutip siput and crab.

Petang tu ingat nak main pool/laut lagi tapi hujan lebat giler from pukul 2 until malam. Non-stop raining. Plus sejuk. Lucky lah bawak kan sweaters for the kids. If not dah sejuk dah tu. so malam we round2 tapau dinner plus round2 masuk supermarket. Beli baju tidur kids at rm9.90 each pair. Malam layan burger while tengok hindustan. It is still raining ye and in klang valley air dah mula naik. Klang valley banjir. 

Many things happened in a week

14.12.2021 - alhamdulillah our curtain are already installed by the tailor. Really like and love the outcome. So beautiful and nice. Colour dia pun cantik and of course husband said duit bank daddy pun cantik lah. Ripple fold design and french pleat design. Alhamdulillah. Then, tukang ukur awning and grill pun came. Sbb kita memang on utk pasang tu. tu cover the back area. Lepas tu we all shopping barang2 lain sket kat area klang je. Zayyan followed us as well. Pastu sibuk nak main santizer smp ter masuk sket kat right eye dia. Luckily nothing serious happened. Pastu daddy belanja makan teppanyaki kat icity mall. Happy mummy. Thanks yang. Love u!

16.12.2021 - the lorry from the electrical company arrived already. With fridge and washing machine together. Tapi husband dont really approve the first place position. So when he was back from the office terus setel positioning those stuff, despite hujan drizzling on and off. And lastly around maghrib time, our tv and tilam pun sampai. Alhamdulillah. Despite of the waiting time. Lama tau kids menunggu dari pukul 4pm until malam smp dah boring. Tak tau nak buat apa. Tp my head rasa lapang sangat. Sbb barang2 ni mostly dah sampai. Tinggal sofa.

17.12.2021 - husband surprised me by saying that he already booked a one night stay at a hotel in pd. so pagi tadi sepantas kilat pack all the necessary things nak bawak tp tu pun ada tertinggal (husband kain pelikat, vicks) . More stories about pd in the next post. :)

Monday, December 13, 2021

Jom waffle lagi

Only RM5 for both type of toppings. This time we choose butter and honey if we go there this week. Hahahaha.. 

Tiffany’s Cafe

Wanted to take zara for mac & cheese meal. Been requesting for few times since she last ate them at secret recipe. So here we go again, at a different place we tried this new place. And the taste not bad. Surroundings comel. Of course ada color tiffany lah. Hehehe.. nnt boleh dtg lagi. :) i ordered the special design latte. Zafran pelik tanya macam mana boleh ada warna atas coffee tu. hehe

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

December here i come

It’s already been a week in the month of December. Last month in the year of 2021. Time moves so fast i guess. Even though ada time rasa mcm lambat. Tp looking at now dah December, mcm eh memang cepat lah time kan . :) 

Alhamdulillah. We started cleaning our house. We already got our bed tapi bedsheets belum beli lagi. Two trips to IKEA to get the blinds. Rasanya mcm akan ada next trip lagi kan. :) alhamdulillah husband dah siap install blind dekat bedrooms, kitchen and also the small window. Our master bedroom and living hall inshaallan dalam next week siap lah. :) nervous den. Hehehe..

In the meantime, zafran ada final exam dkt sekolah agama. All the best to him. Love u babam!

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Husband’s Studio Kampong

Today is his first video production session for his band’s music video. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan. Bz betul dia. Hopefully makan tu ontime lah ye. Not too late. Nnt perut masuk angin. All d best!

Hola 20th November

A few more days we are entering the last month of this year. Nanti i will share the happenings in one whole year tapi in short form lah. No lah i explain seluruh nya panjang lebar. Hehehehe.. 

Well today saturday we are just home. Doing things slowly. Slowly i mean bermalas malasa . And now i just had my lunch which i am quite full ye. Mcm terlebih makan. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Been wanting to eat A&W waffle

Dah lama tak makan ni. Tapi mestilah A&W waffle. Either with ice cream or with butter and syrup. And yes tu mmg favourite i since i was small. Mmg i will order waffle if i were there. Nasib bear mascot je takde. Hehehe.. :)

Macam2 lauk

Been experiencing to cook many dishes. From ikan berlada, ikan masak kicap, sup sayur, masak lemak udang and many more. Ada yg tengok resepi from youtube. A bit different from what i’ve thought the wY of cooking it. Tapi bila try ok style baru tu rasa cam lagi sedap. Hehehe. Tapi ntahlah to me lah sedap. Orang lain not sure. :) to more experience with cooking. 

Selfie with husband :)


My 38th birthday

 Alhamdulillah. I turned 38. Planning nak pegi makan dkt luat for dinner celebration tapi we just had it at home. My bongsu si zayyan fever pulak. Fever and flu. Risau kitorang sgt2. I malam mcm tak berapa nak sleep. Risau kan dia. Takut fits mcm haritu. Tapi alhamdulillah demam dia kebah. And i really really really have to put this. When ever sesape datang rumah. Cukup time i must ask zayyan to sleep and also to monitor his water intake. Alhamdulillah. Nothing is the best gift rather than seeing your kids growing healtily and happily. :)