Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

December here i come

It’s already been a week in the month of December. Last month in the year of 2021. Time moves so fast i guess. Even though ada time rasa mcm lambat. Tp looking at now dah December, mcm eh memang cepat lah time kan . :) 

Alhamdulillah. We started cleaning our house. We already got our bed tapi bedsheets belum beli lagi. Two trips to IKEA to get the blinds. Rasanya mcm akan ada next trip lagi kan. :) alhamdulillah husband dah siap install blind dekat bedrooms, kitchen and also the small window. Our master bedroom and living hall inshaallan dalam next week siap lah. :) nervous den. Hehehe..

In the meantime, zafran ada final exam dkt sekolah agama. All the best to him. Love u babam!

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