Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 31, 2021

31st December 2021

Alhamdulillah. We reached the last day of the year. We have moved most things to the new house. We have had a simple doa selamat ceremony with abah, mama, mak and bils. The rest of the family members, inshaallah we will call and let them know soon. :) 

Many things to arranged at our new place. Slowly but inshaallah. 

This year also showed many incidents that occured in my small family, inlaws, extended family, friends and to the whole country as well. 

As covid19 is still around, we were basically under mco for about 6 months. Movements restrictions, schools closed, husband wfh. Politics here also ups and downs. Macam2 kann. 

MIL was warded for almost 3 weeks sbb ada virus dlm badan dia. Zayyan got warded sebab fits. 

Learning new recipes, baking, cooking and many more.

Emotional, physically and mentally ups and downs.

Financially ups and downs juga ye. 

Not forgetting last thing happened to all Malaysians. Where banjir to most of the places. Mashaallah. 

And despite all that, alhamdulillah we managed to come to TODAY (the last day of year 2021).

May the new year comes, brings more joy and opportunity. Love u all very much!

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