Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

17.12.2021 - 18.12.2021

Depart early sbb nak breakfast nasi lemak sotong kat banting. Plus husband nak ikut jalan dalam to pd. not that far rasanya. And rasa syok pulak sbb takde lalu jam highway. Friday morning dah start hujan renyai2. All the way to pd. tp alhamdulillah sampai2 je hotel kids terus masuk laut. Pool tak boleh sbb cleaning in progress. Room takleh check in lagi sbb we all sampai awal. 12 something. So kita pun duduk tepi laut main air lah dulu. Hehehe. Kids sempat kutip siput and crab.

Petang tu ingat nak main pool/laut lagi tapi hujan lebat giler from pukul 2 until malam. Non-stop raining. Plus sejuk. Lucky lah bawak kan sweaters for the kids. If not dah sejuk dah tu. so malam we round2 tapau dinner plus round2 masuk supermarket. Beli baju tidur kids at rm9.90 each pair. Malam layan burger while tengok hindustan. It is still raining ye and in klang valley air dah mula naik. Klang valley banjir. 

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