Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Many things happened in a week

14.12.2021 - alhamdulillah our curtain are already installed by the tailor. Really like and love the outcome. So beautiful and nice. Colour dia pun cantik and of course husband said duit bank daddy pun cantik lah. Ripple fold design and french pleat design. Alhamdulillah. Then, tukang ukur awning and grill pun came. Sbb kita memang on utk pasang tu. tu cover the back area. Lepas tu we all shopping barang2 lain sket kat area klang je. Zayyan followed us as well. Pastu sibuk nak main santizer smp ter masuk sket kat right eye dia. Luckily nothing serious happened. Pastu daddy belanja makan teppanyaki kat icity mall. Happy mummy. Thanks yang. Love u!

16.12.2021 - the lorry from the electrical company arrived already. With fridge and washing machine together. Tapi husband dont really approve the first place position. So when he was back from the office terus setel positioning those stuff, despite hujan drizzling on and off. And lastly around maghrib time, our tv and tilam pun sampai. Alhamdulillah. Despite of the waiting time. Lama tau kids menunggu dari pukul 4pm until malam smp dah boring. Tak tau nak buat apa. Tp my head rasa lapang sangat. Sbb barang2 ni mostly dah sampai. Tinggal sofa.

17.12.2021 - husband surprised me by saying that he already booked a one night stay at a hotel in pd. so pagi tadi sepantas kilat pack all the necessary things nak bawak tp tu pun ada tertinggal (husband kain pelikat, vicks) . More stories about pd in the next post. :)

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