Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

lazy day

on public holiday coz it's thaipusam day. it's quite interesting about y do they have to pecahkan kelapa tu. pastu the parade, how far they walk to batu caves. i believe in their religion there must be a story of y this things happened. pretty sunny day as well. i'm browsing certain brands on contact lenses. thought of changing to the new style. wanted to try on it. tapi tula. kena survey dulu. i wanted to try on the coloured lenses. my frens said now ade yang 6 months for 3 pairs. up to 6 months u need to change to a new set. so i guess it's pretty good coz consider that we can change for a new one la. boleh jaga mata jugak. tapi i tau la.. banyak benda nak kena jaga bile pakai lens ni unlike wearing glasses. must be extra precautious or extra careful in handling them. hehe.. if i pakai, it should be my first time la. tapi my glasses wil alwiz be there if ever i don't have to wear lenses. nnt nk g tgk ngan him la.

i blum lunch lagi sbb tadi dh makan lontong. quite full la tapi jap lagi donno yet. hmmm.. i pun tgh browsing certain packages on holidays. my ofis mates nak gi holidays. most prob after kak mar balik from maternity. so, i survey price n packages dulu.. pastu i inform.. mcm syok je kan. most of them tak nak jauh2. mungkin kat area perak or melaka. tapi i rasa kan cam a-famosa. takpe let me survey the price dulu. hols ngan clasmates dulu tak sure lagi. nnt if jd i wil update in my blog.

huaarrgghh.. ngantuk la skang ni.. i nak tido tapi rasanye dah terlebih tido.. takpela.. jaga2 sket. haha.. haha..nnt malam baru tido awal ye.

Friday, January 18, 2008


haa.. finally get to blog again after around a week. get to breath.. hahah.. not that i'm dead but i'm pretty bz. woke up at 6.30 smp umah kul 10 cleaned up mandi.. hahaha... bz ma.. with year end reports + + additional stuff that touches my heart.. hmm.. basically a lot of things happened tapi i malas nak layan. 4 this time being i nak being alone n also being selfish.. i nak gi holiday ni tapi tak tau bile nk gi. nnt la.. arrange with some frens. mus pun tanye i bile nak gi hols. tapi i ckp nnt bile i nye schedule ok n match with hers than boleh la pegi..

i tengah lunch ni. tadi gi bank jap. sumwhere near ofis. then balik tapau nasi. ni baru nak lunch. edas sket la. hehehe..

okaylah.. nnt i sambung lagi. tata..

Thursday, January 10, 2008

awal muharam

new year in islamic calender. wishing for a better life, better attitude, better thinking n more... 1 day off from work. woke up quite late then had nasi goreng for breakfast. along cooked the nasi. similar to mum's. actually this week i'm quite bz with the year end reports that we had to submit. i went home anout 8.30pm. juz yesterday went home round 7pm coz it's the eve of the awal muharam. need to recite the doa of akhir tahun n awal tahun.

i'm quite emotional this week. sikit sikit nak nangis. sikit sikit nak nangis. i dunno y is he acting like that tapi to avoid of negative thinking i will juz ignore it. actually i tak nak kuar dgn him today but he insisted so i pun takpela.. i pun dah lame tak jumpe. so y not pegi je la. just for a drink. not a big deal. banyak sgt feelings nak describe tapi i takleh nak describe. rasa mcm nak spend the time on my own. let him be with his frens tp nnt smp time i wil call him. just nw he said that he sensed of me leaving him. dunno y he feel that.. tapi as far as i know.. i will try my best to take care of my realationship. the best i can do..

Saturday, January 5, 2008

cool day

i woke up bout 8am. mandi then had breakfast, headed to ofis. today i keje sbb nak cover few parts of the ofis work. only 3 of us. i dh siapkan another part of the year-end report tapi the data is really confusing. how come foreign countries can have bumiputeras. unless our malaysians are living there. hmm.. i tot if u r already a permanent resident over there u r no longer consider a bumiputera. am i rite? but takpela.. i juz print those reportss.. monday baru nak sambung balik. i rasa macam dah lambat. plus dec's a/c blum close lagi. haha..

hubby n his family gi visit granma die kat umah aunty in sepang. sleep sane. sbb consider jauh nak ulang alik. esok baru balik. now i ade terpk yang biarla.. let him be.. kluar ngan kawan2, lepak sane, lepak sini sbb nnt dh smp time he will only be with me. takut die bored plak nnt kan.

2nite nak sleep early sbb a bit sleepy and tired. i nak tgk movie lagi tapi takde time. tgk la next week ke. will decide later.


Happy 2008
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Friday, January 4, 2008

penat + panas

today is my registration day. woke up at about 8 then check any bil online tapi takde. after breakfast, headed to the college. mum was not feeling well. she said she got fever. let her sleep.. sampai sana i have to queue to get the bil, then kena bayar either gune credit card or cash. tapi my credit card takleh la sbb dh lebih so kena byr cash. but byr cash kena gi bank islam. imagine that i have to queue for almost 3 hours. depan i ade dlm 40 orang. whhoosshhh.. ramainye.. mula2 nak nangis pastu hubby called ckp don't la. waited patiently smp lenguh kaki dan pinggang.. akhirnye settle. bukan main happy lagi. perut i dah berkeroncong. dah la panas. air-cond pun panas gak. haha.. trus gi jumpe prog facilitator pastu haa? that's it. dah setel.. yg berjam2 lame tu tadi kat bank la.. haaa.........cam tak make sense. funny giler... balik tu ingat ade nasi + lauk tapi sbb mum tak sihat so takde la lunch. tot nak kura balik gi mcd tapi sbb jauh sket i pegi je la kedai mamak. ingatkan nak beli 2 bungkus tapi tgk cash ade dlm 10 bucks je. duit lain dlm handbag. alamak... satu set je dah 6.50 so beli satu je la. sampai umah makan half, the other half tinggal for sape lagi yg nak makan. pastu penat sgt.. tertidi smp ard 6pm baru bangun. ni macam nak hujan.. dah suruh farid tutup tingkap keta.. jap lagi nak mandi. dinner tak sure lg...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

' ' ' 2008 ' ' '


it's 01.01.08 hoping for a wonderful journey through out the year.. yesterday nite went out to celebrate new year. with bf, bros n his frens. very cool show of fireworks. dunno how many shoots la tapi memang cantik. then, hujan kejap. roughly round 1.45am moved back to our house. stopped by to eat for a while. lapar. hehe.. i had roti canai. brothers makan maggie goreng. sampai umah ard 3am. cleaned up then tido. mengantuks gile2 i. smp mata ni dah tak larat nak buka. haha.. today bangun ard 1oam sbb nak jumpe n lepak with frens. wanted to bowl tapi full la.. last last we raound round je pastu makan kat domino's. kenyang. ingat nak bershopping lagi tapi disebabkan baru je so lupakan lah dulu.. now preparing myself coz tomoro i'm working + school term starts tomoro + most ppl r back to work from long hols. so, must be expecting quite heavy traffic tomoro. nak kuar umah pkul brape arr?? drive carefully n safely..