Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

lazy day

on public holiday coz it's thaipusam day. it's quite interesting about y do they have to pecahkan kelapa tu. pastu the parade, how far they walk to batu caves. i believe in their religion there must be a story of y this things happened. pretty sunny day as well. i'm browsing certain brands on contact lenses. thought of changing to the new style. wanted to try on it. tapi tula. kena survey dulu. i wanted to try on the coloured lenses. my frens said now ade yang 6 months for 3 pairs. up to 6 months u need to change to a new set. so i guess it's pretty good coz consider that we can change for a new one la. boleh jaga mata jugak. tapi i tau la.. banyak benda nak kena jaga bile pakai lens ni unlike wearing glasses. must be extra precautious or extra careful in handling them. hehe.. if i pakai, it should be my first time la. tapi my glasses wil alwiz be there if ever i don't have to wear lenses. nnt nk g tgk ngan him la.

i blum lunch lagi sbb tadi dh makan lontong. quite full la tapi jap lagi donno yet. hmmm.. i pun tgh browsing certain packages on holidays. my ofis mates nak gi holidays. most prob after kak mar balik from maternity. so, i survey price n packages dulu.. pastu i inform.. mcm syok je kan. most of them tak nak jauh2. mungkin kat area perak or melaka. tapi i rasa kan cam a-famosa. takpe let me survey the price dulu. hols ngan clasmates dulu tak sure lagi. nnt if jd i wil update in my blog.

huaarrgghh.. ngantuk la skang ni.. i nak tido tapi rasanye dah terlebih tido.. takpela.. jaga2 sket. haha.. haha..nnt malam baru tido awal ye.

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