Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, January 18, 2008


haa.. finally get to blog again after around a week. get to breath.. hahah.. not that i'm dead but i'm pretty bz. woke up at 6.30 smp umah kul 10 cleaned up mandi.. hahaha... bz ma.. with year end reports + + additional stuff that touches my heart.. hmm.. basically a lot of things happened tapi i malas nak layan. 4 this time being i nak being alone n also being selfish.. i nak gi holiday ni tapi tak tau bile nk gi. nnt la.. arrange with some frens. mus pun tanye i bile nak gi hols. tapi i ckp nnt bile i nye schedule ok n match with hers than boleh la pegi..

i tengah lunch ni. tadi gi bank jap. sumwhere near ofis. then balik tapau nasi. ni baru nak lunch. edas sket la. hehehe..

okaylah.. nnt i sambung lagi. tata..

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