Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 5, 2008

cool day

i woke up bout 8am. mandi then had breakfast, headed to ofis. today i keje sbb nak cover few parts of the ofis work. only 3 of us. i dh siapkan another part of the year-end report tapi the data is really confusing. how come foreign countries can have bumiputeras. unless our malaysians are living there. hmm.. i tot if u r already a permanent resident over there u r no longer consider a bumiputera. am i rite? but takpela.. i juz print those reportss.. monday baru nak sambung balik. i rasa macam dah lambat. plus dec's a/c blum close lagi. haha..

hubby n his family gi visit granma die kat umah aunty in sepang. sleep sane. sbb consider jauh nak ulang alik. esok baru balik. now i ade terpk yang biarla.. let him be.. kluar ngan kawan2, lepak sane, lepak sini sbb nnt dh smp time he will only be with me. takut die bored plak nnt kan.

2nite nak sleep early sbb a bit sleepy and tired. i nak tgk movie lagi tapi takde time. tgk la next week ke. will decide later.

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