Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, January 10, 2008

awal muharam

new year in islamic calender. wishing for a better life, better attitude, better thinking n more... 1 day off from work. woke up quite late then had nasi goreng for breakfast. along cooked the nasi. similar to mum's. actually this week i'm quite bz with the year end reports that we had to submit. i went home anout 8.30pm. juz yesterday went home round 7pm coz it's the eve of the awal muharam. need to recite the doa of akhir tahun n awal tahun.

i'm quite emotional this week. sikit sikit nak nangis. sikit sikit nak nangis. i dunno y is he acting like that tapi to avoid of negative thinking i will juz ignore it. actually i tak nak kuar dgn him today but he insisted so i pun takpela.. i pun dah lame tak jumpe. so y not pegi je la. just for a drink. not a big deal. banyak sgt feelings nak describe tapi i takleh nak describe. rasa mcm nak spend the time on my own. let him be with his frens tp nnt smp time i wil call him. just nw he said that he sensed of me leaving him. dunno y he feel that.. tapi as far as i know.. i will try my best to take care of my realationship. the best i can do..

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