Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

' ' ' 2008 ' ' '


it's 01.01.08 hoping for a wonderful journey through out the year.. yesterday nite went out to celebrate new year. with bf, bros n his frens. very cool show of fireworks. dunno how many shoots la tapi memang cantik. then, hujan kejap. roughly round 1.45am moved back to our house. stopped by to eat for a while. lapar. hehe.. i had roti canai. brothers makan maggie goreng. sampai umah ard 3am. cleaned up then tido. mengantuks gile2 i. smp mata ni dah tak larat nak buka. haha.. today bangun ard 1oam sbb nak jumpe n lepak with frens. wanted to bowl tapi full la.. last last we raound round je pastu makan kat domino's. kenyang. ingat nak bershopping lagi tapi disebabkan baru je so lupakan lah dulu.. now preparing myself coz tomoro i'm working + school term starts tomoro + most ppl r back to work from long hols. so, must be expecting quite heavy traffic tomoro. nak kuar umah pkul brape arr?? drive carefully n safely..

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