Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


last saturday without no plans, coz i stayed at home half of the day.. i went to watch football. selangor vs negeri sembilan. 3-0. woohhooooo! it was my first experience so i was a bit nervous and excited. i don't have the photos. it was all taken thru hubby's fren's fiancee's camera. wow! what a long explanation i got there. if she ever uploaded the pics then i will be able to post it here. by the way, i was sooooo happy. buat ombak.. ombak... 1...2...3... hahaha.. then, jerit2 lagi tgk goals that those people contributed.. hahaha..sampai takde suara. tapi i am damn happy. tgk muka hubby pun berseri2. happy sbb i teman die kat sebelah tgk football. maybe i wil follow when the next match kot. let see how. balik tu stop by makan nasi ayam kat this new kopitiam at seksyen 7 [wak dol] not bad la. sedap jgk nasi ayam die. shall try for others as well. balik tu dlm 1.30am. borak2 ngan mum and bob and he was so damn malas nak melayan i. he said.. "cheh..kecoh je pegi tgk bola" "ombak..ombak".. hahaha..walau apapun i sangat gembira itu malam. cleaned up sket2 pastu tido til next day bangun almost 12 noon. NOON okay. guess so i was tired. hahaha... tu pun sebab hubby called. btw, nak pegi wedding his friend. bangun mandi, siap2 then online webcam jap ngan along and her family. swuh mama duduk kat seat depan pc biar die tgk cucu die yang semakin comel tu. miss them tau.. picture of both of them.

hopefully they are doing great there. my sis pun tgk muka happy je. praying that everything's fine there.

okaylah.. i nak tido.. actually ade banyak benda lagi nak citer... tapi dh ngantuk.. nite!

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