Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, January 8, 2009


i'm going home soon. what a loooooonnnggg story i had today. will update when i'm back at home. juz finished eating oreos (3 pcs). love ya!

woke up late. i heard and woke up when the alarm buzzed. then i offed without sensing that i'm going back to sleep. at last i woke up at 7.15am. mum had my baju kurung ironed before i took my bath. was supposed to send bob to skool but tak sempat. so farid sent him there. then siap2 had brakfast, sent farid to college b4 i make my way to office. i know that i'm going to reach the office late. so i already informed mr zek that i'll be late. so came in ard 9.15am. as usual checked in, went to canteen to buy breakfast. actually my mood wasn't that stable since morning. i was like swinging, felt empty. dunno y. trying to make myself feel good. and also trying to call him like few times but he sounded like in a rush, cam nak marah.. i dunno la. maybe it is juz the thoughts that i haf in mind. then i told him bout that roughly after lunch, but he juz said jgn la pk cam tu. nnt u jd saiko. then, i rasa he is not talking or saying something to make my heart at ease. hhmm... i dunno la.. i bengong sangat and blur. at last ard 4 something i managed to get my momentum back. starting doing reports and concentrating to them. hopefully it can be done by next week. lagi satu yg bengong, suddenly my server kat ofis dah full. i can't save my work. ape la bengong. server takleh nak masuk. kelakar. setahu i la.. server mane blh limited storage coz ppl tend to save work. then, how do these ppl want to track back those work that need to be checked. if all the hardcopies are sent to the storage.

my mood are stable okay. i'm at home now. once i got home, i tido like til 9.15pm. my sis called saying that she already bought the tix to the concert. we will be seating la. not standing. she said she'll belanja but maybe i'll chip in like rm100. yeah! thanx a lot. n dont get jealous "i am going to the concert" yeeha .... faiz marican went for karaoke with his frens. hoping that he is having some fun time. tadi tgh hari kan.. i pun ade benda pelik pk pasal die ni. apsal skang die dh takde send me those sweet sweet sms. is it true that bile dh couple lame2.. those sweet sweet things we did for our partner dulu2 dah takde. hhmm.. maybe i should tell him that. tapi i know that die pun mesti ckp u pun same. dh takde sweet sweet words from me. pastu kan mula la i ni pk bukan2.. die dh tak sayng kat i sgt. he is paying more attention to his current gf skang.

talking bout my feelings masa monday yg i citer kat mum tu. i pun lagi rasa pelik. it's like he will be much much more happier kalo kawen ngan orang lain. tapi i ni.. he's marrying me instead of other girls. mmgla i jeles sgt. tapi he is going to be mine soon. fully mine and FULLY MINE... will try to love him til end of my life. and will also let him try to love me til end of his life. i taknak he felt regret marrying me. insya-Allah.. banyakkan berdoa. Aminn..

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