Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, January 29, 2009

no specific topic

yeah. like it. i'm at home currently after spending a nite with my dearest yesterday. u kno, when before i actually gets home there are a lot of things and tonnes of things i planned to discuss but when i'm done bathing and eating watching dvd then i felt like it's better for me to spend some quality time with him like on the bed or sumthing. rather than talking. it's juz that i like the moments when i'm with him alone without any words, juz some touching. feel so relaxing and soothing. and relaxing. love the moments. i can't wait to have more moments like that and insya-Allah lagi berapa bulan je lagi. =)

last week was a damn busy week for me and hubby as well. i have very tight deadlines ie submitting my company's budget for the next 3 years, bad debts calculation & annual fees computation. not mentioning those routine jobs that i have to do. i was like doing it n looking at those numbers for like weeks and at a point i cried coz i can't make it tally. how stressfull i am. finally all that was done n i managed to submit it on time before i went home happily for a long chinese new year holiday. yaay! hooray. n basically most of the jobs with meetings and courses that i have to attend. alhamdulillah.

here we go for my long 4 days holidays. saturday, i went SHOPPING! yeah shopping. hahaha..dh lame tak shopping i bought 2 pants, 2 shirts and shoes. then bro bought 2 shirts. mum takde pape. then penat ajak mum n bro lepak at old town white coffee.. minum and makan roti bakar. so relaxing. got home n managed to watch doraemon. i ws like omigod! i'm 26 years old and yet watching doraemon. haha..but i'm having fun here guys.. just watching some nobita bongok yang suke membuli doraemon. hahaha.. pastu call call hubby tak dapat. suspected his batt is flat. die kata gi main golf. okay sayang..hope u had fun playing golf on turf. ape aku merepek ni. i mean range. hopefully u can play on green sometime in future.

next day lepas lunch zoooommm balik umah nenek. planned nak tido semalam je tapi sebab kak seri gi umah cousin die. so takde orang nak teman nenek. so we stayed another nite. tapi yang tak tahan tu... i banyak tempat kena gigit nyamuk and macam2 serangga. then ckp kat farid, kalo kite balik umah nenek nnt kita bawak balik ubat nyamuk tu la. mosquito repellent. so at least boleh protect org lain from kena gigit. i dh terasa sangap gile. missing hubby sangat. die dh balik on monday. ingat nak spend time with him on monday tapi tak jadi. so we spend time on sunday. sunday i dh cite i buat ape kan. gi makan seafood kat jeram lagi. sedap! izrul belanja.

pastu wednesday start keje balik. this week til tomoro la i guess my week memang pack. dgn month end nye. nasib baik boleh cope la. tadi meeting took like 2 hours. lenguh dh bontot aku ni. kengkadang banyak sgt meeting boleh jadi kurang productivity as said by hubby. i pun kengkadang dah munyak ngan meeting sbb buat i jadi lambat in completing my task. dgn nak masuk bulan baru lagi.

sebagai penutup to this post, well, january is almost over or should i say habis sebab tomoro dah 30th jan 09. alhamdulillah i dh confirm keje. thumbs up! then tinggal brape bulan je lagi to give my concentration on my wedding. hopefully and insya-Allah semuanye berjalan ngan lancar. nak kena plan balik ni. pastu with all the $$. headache di buat nye. ape2 pun semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur. aminnn!!

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