Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, January 22, 2009


juz cried coz hubby juz called. hmm.. bout work la. bengang gile i. ingat i ni soooooo stupid. but i stand on my point. by the way, i dh siap tau. tggl balance sheet pastu cam hari ni i balik lambat la. mmm... macam mane i boleh cry. dh tension2 evryone kluar. i call la hubby nak mengadu then tak dpt. i pun gi la beli nasi dulu. pstu skang tgh mkn nasi while dgr lagu 'ternyata cinta' by padi dedicated by hubby to me. thanks. pastu hubby called. tu yang nangis. hhmm.. sbb bile tgh tension or happy kan, then we talk to someone yg we love ie soulmate, our feelings tend to exaggerate more. like wat happened to me earlier. tgh tension pastu ckp ngan hubby then nangis. hmm =(

i got an ofis gossip..hehehe... ---> continuing on this topic. well, sumwhere on wednesday i think, there was supposed to be a meeting between Assist Manager & Above with CEO at my ofis. Suddenly, CEO called both me and kakak senior at my dept (where both of us are just Executive) to join the meeting. Then we were stuck to the meeting til 3pm. til my lunch time was delayed and i was soooo damn hungry. then the next day the kakak senior told me that a few ppl heard in the ladies toilet that someone or should i just say Kak Siti said something in the toilet with dunno who something like this "eh, y plak we both (i n kak senior tu join the meeting) padahal we all ni exec je n kak siti cakap lagi, orang lain yang buat keje we all yang dapat name. hello,, wake up la lady.. how old r u to actually nak dapat attention. doing jobs just to get credit. bile i dgr cam tu..i pun rasa yg osshh!! malasnye nak dgr. as long as i siapkn keje i. well, that's all bout the gossip. bengang kan tapi buat tak tau je. i got a lot of staff to think rather than work.

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