Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 27, 2009

alicia keys

singing to *no one* *no one* * no oneeee*.. lalalalala..hari ni sgt happy balik umah awal. anyways, balik lagi awal compared to my plan sbb satu ofis blacked out. hahaha.. lucky most of the worksheets dah save. by the way, i nak gi ke dapur corner kejap lagi. nak mamam. nak join. ehh..hari ni cam baru perasan yg my countdown days tinggal 161 days. last time i saw was like 167 days. eh..bile masa plak jalan 6 hari ni. ishh..ishh.. aarrgghhh..bukan tensen tapi terkejut n wat.. lagi roughly 160 days. divided by 30 so round 5 months lagi. hmm.. hmm.. macam2 feelings ade. happy of course, waiting for it, sad, sebak and macam2 la.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

stress & de-motivated

that's what i am facing at the moment with my job. soooo damn sakit kepala. pening n seriously no mood ok. aarrgghh.. even my superior pun tanye why lemah longlai je. i dah ckp apsal ngan people here. what are their probs. hmm.. so many political issues. menyampah! i mmg tak tahan especially on tuesday. mmg berangin je. pastu my time banyak wasted gi meeting gi meeting gi meeting.. urrgghh... dh tau urgent pastu nak suruh orang attend meeting jgk. pull my concentration and efficiency. dh la malas nak pk. baik i pk bout my hubby aka darling aka sayang. lagi sweet and soooo sweet. ;)

Saturday, February 21, 2009


was searching n googling bout the countdown timer animated version tapi tak jumpa yg fit to my page. if yg i suke pun tak muat. hhmm..benci la..


i am at home currently. planning to go to ofis to work but tak jadi coz ade hal sket. but i have to woke up quite early to drop the key plus i need to wake my bro and dearest dear coz both of them got exam today. gud luck to both of u. may u guys success. my tummy wasn't that right these few days. quite upset la. need to control on the hot hot n pedas pedas food so perut i tak sakit. then i got 'mata ikan' quite besar smp kat tonsil la rasanye. but today n yesterday i dah letak garam. fuh! pedihnye tak terkata. mmg terkeluar la air mata. then mum ckp maybe sbb badan i panas. that's y sakit perut nak buang air and ade ulcer. mum suruh minum banyak air. tgk la kat luar tu. huuisshh.. perit kulit tau. bile kat ofis tak rasa sangat sbb lunch pun kat dalam. if kluar pun bukannye jauh. skang nak naik keta tak larat. sbb takde tinted and air cond keta panas. imagine orang yang naik motor or takde kenderaan langsung. kena naik bas tunggu bas fuuhh.. shud be thankful of what i have right.
last thursday i went to survey mak andam kak midah kat klang. total for both side is round 8k. our mum ckp mahal. my sis ckp murah. nak tanye sape lagi ni. tapi package yang die bagi tu not bad la. i kind of suke sbb penah wat make up with her before. tapi nak kena survey lagi la. petang ni maybe jadi kot. tunggu dearest dear habis exam around 4.30pm then he'll pick me up to go to the mak andam shop. to survey.
last nite i gi makan kat burger king. i took the single mushroom burger set. kenyang. pastu spend some time with dearest dear. rindu die sgt. tak tau la die rindu i ke tak. semalam kan i was a bit merajuk pastu sampai petang baru he pujuk me. i call la kan after lunch nak tanye wat pe dh makan tak gi friday prayer ke? pastu die cam mm..mm..bz la kan. then azrul kat blakang bising2 plak. maybe he intend to gurau tapi i cam tak suke la. then langsung after that malas nak call or sms. nak majuk. bz kan myself. tapi mmg semalam pun bz. ceo suke last2 minute tambah extra report nak masuk dlm bod papers. lucky i tak balik lagi. hmm.. this morning i makan roti canai for breakfast. nyau tak berus gigi kan.*ahaks* makan roti telur n teh tarik. nyum! nyum! hahaha.. pastu dropped him off at padang. nak main bola. isshh.. dah gelap dh adik aku ni. main je keje die. hopefully die tau nak split his time between studies and main2.
dearest dear juz called. he br habis the morning session punye exam. the next session starts at 2.15pm. wished him all the best. i ni dh ngantuk plak. tapi ingat nak layan dvd kejap. oklah. nnt i update lagi ye.

[talking bout wedding, i borak ngan mum, ma..lagi 5 bulan je nak kawin, mum ckp haa.. baguslah.. lps ni ade orang nak teman gi mane2..]

Thursday, February 19, 2009


february is going to over soon. and what i am left like 5 monthss... 5 months baby.. suddenly i'm back to reality. ehh... where am i before.. huh?!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Happy Valentine's Day!! May not celebrating it. to those celebrating it have fun and by the way, it should always be Valentine's Day for you and your partner for 365 days.


i was very bz and hectic through out the whole week. the budgeted that i submitted on 23rd jan got some amendments to do as instructed by boss. on the first meeting we got bang by him very bad until like evry questions we can't answer. and by the way, before we finish our answer he already came out with another question. haisshh!! the last meeting we haad he is in good mood and he is okay with it. cuma a bit bengang bile he marah ckp apsl income for year 2009 only rm3.6mil. tak make sense. so sharon ckp la. that is what u want. previously we had rm3.8mil tapi u suruh reduce then he diam n ohhh ok takpe takpe. get back to rm3.8mil. pastu yang lain2 tu settle. we all prepared ourselves with all the questions takut kena bang lagi. n the meeting took like bout 45 min. pastu balik rest kejap before i proceed with the group's system. and finally before 6.45pm managed to send the finalisation version to the asst mgr.

yesterday i was on leave. supposedly cuti sebab nak pegi tgk konsert rihanna tapi konsert tu kan postponed. sebab she gaduh with her bf. pastu ingat nak retract cuti balik. tapi takyah la. juz cuti. rest myself. tapi semalam tak rest sgt pun. i was damn tensed. bout the wedding loan la. dh tanye banyak bank n diorang mostly ckp max 5 or 6 times from ur basic salary. i can't get from bank rakyat. i dont have a potongan gaji. hhmm... pening la. pastu came by faiz's office. cried. if i were thinking to lepaskan myself, maybe dh lepas tapi i wanted to help faiz as well. kesian die. i know that he wants to get married when he is 30 years old. so, when he is getting married now, i juz rasa i am so sorry and guilty sbb his plans have been changed. but he alwiz said no la. tu kan jodoh. Tuhan dah set macam tu. sometimes i juz can't help it feeling that way. macam2 la dalam my head currently. ape yg bengong lagi, (i shouldn't think like this).. maybe he is destined to be with somebody else. might be his true love. i am not. aarrgghh!!.ape ni. it's not good ok. sorry..

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! i shouldn't think like that. i should be happy. i am getting married soon. with the man that i always want to be with which my heart also says so. do i love him? if i say no, i am lying to myself. yeahh.. i do love him. infact very much. insya-Allah there'll be a way. for us to solve the $$ problem.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


notice my status update... " i am bride to be " whoosshh!! what a big change in my life. soon i'll be sumone's wife. big responsibility that i have to carry. insya-Allah will care for it coz new babies are born soon. well.. a lot more preparation need to be done for my big day. sometimes tak tau dah nak start cite kat mane. sooooo worried. a lot of things man. headache bole datang bile2 masa saje. i'm at ofis stil. doing the budget yg memang dh memuyaki n muyak ok. apsal la orang2 ni sume nak income banyak tapi expenses nak reduce. mmg tak make sense. sbb if u nak income banyak. of course u kena increase kn the marketing cost btul tak. btw 745 soon to be. it's better for me to chow..

well " i am bride to be " wishing for a better day tomorrow.

Monday, February 9, 2009

countdown timer

check out my countdown timer which is the best i can find at the moment. i am looking for a animation i mean like cartoon cartoonised sket tapi blum ketemu lagi. dgn adenye ini timer, berderbar debar la lagi jantung ku berdegup..

yang.. i tak keruan. speechless, happy, syok, worried, and many more feelings... sape sape yang dh kawin mesti ade feelings ni kan. hehehe..

tinggal lagi 19 days

haa..tinggal lagi 19 days for february 09 b4 it closes its curtain. gosshh..


another long weekend

today is monday. guess so no more long weekend after this coz there'll be no more public hols. for the month til next month. tapi next month mmm ade kot. monday gak. maulud nabi. pastu takde sampai la ke bulan may. labour day.
last week i was a bit bengang with my kakak senior je. bile i nak balik awal kemain tak aci tak aci.. tapi if die balik awal or yg paling bengang hari tu sbb tak dtg hari sabtu i yang ckp tak aci. tau pun kan. ale pegi mane2 same je la sumer orang. malas la nak kawan2 or close ngan sape. nyampah. baik2 i sorang2. kawan ngan mum. tak pening kepala kan. pegi keje buat keje lunch buat keje balik pastu time to go home. saturday lps balik from ofis.. oohh* how i miss that moment with hubby. rindu sangat kat die. spend some quality time. syian hubby. rambut die dah semakin nipis. maybe banyak pk kot. i pun same. rambut dh sikit. tapi stil bushy so nampak la kembang. tapi bushy bushy pun banyak gugur tau. maybe dh panjang sangat. that saturday we makan kat sijangkang. makan nasi ayam+sate minum air sirap suam. kenyang!! nyum!! nyum!!
balik tu teman hubby kat ofis kejap. he got to do his client's design. ntah berapa banyak kali amendment hubby i buat. tapi die memamg seorang yang sabar kan. pastu kalo ae orang mencabar kesabaran die tahap kaw-kaw or tahap dewa habis la orang tu kena maki rabak punye. [including me] la. no excuse. it is a big lesson for me in my life. =|
semalam gi survey mak andam ngan mama kat pkns and alam sentral. roughly dlm rm3000 to rm5000. mahal kan sekarang ni nak kawin. huiisshh.. at least kena ade dlm rm15000 la. talking bout money. tu la satu benda yang i tgh kusut2 sangat sekarang ni. lagi kusut daripada keje. urrgghh!! sbar.. sabar.. mesti ade jlan dn caranye. i ni sekejap termenung sekejap termenung. aduish la.. we dh decide nak amik loan dlm rm50k tapi tu la. kena susun our ways of handling money. Ya Allah! bantulah hambamu ini dalam meringankan kerja2 kerja seharian. Amin!
today me, hubby and parent gi tmpt to kadi kat sec 2. banyak lagi prosedur nak buat. uiisshh..tu pun pening jgk la. btw, praying to God that everything's went smoothly. insya-Allah. pastu tadi pun survey2 perabot. abah nak perabot kayu jati. paling murah sekarang ni rm6000 include sumer la.
tadi i ade usik hubby by calling him faiz. die cam merajuk + marah + marah + sayang. ckp kan " ye la.. panggil i faiz " " u kan suke " hehe.. chommel sangat. **mmuaahh* yang..sayang..hubby..sweetheart or faiz.. i sayang u very much. i've never found a love like this. love u lots. semoga tuhan merahmati perkahwinan yang bakal we built dan semoga kasih sayang kita berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat. AMINN!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

* hiccup *

today dh 2 kali hiccup. dh kembung perut minum air banyak sgt. hehehe.. today i was supposed to haf a meeting on malakoff at sentral but it was postponed til further advice. so i cpt2 siapkan budget. i completed the v2 budget. ingat nak discuss ptg tadi ard 4.30pm tapi sbb it involves figure so we decided to discuss it tomoro morning. pastu tgh lunch went to bought magazine 'Pengantin' juz nak tambah2 some ideas lagi for my wedding.

last nite, me n parent went to fiancee's house to have a broader and deeper discussion on our wedding. date and time have been set. insya-Allah, 8 aug 09 nikah malam after isya' and then 9 aug 09 sanding kat our house. now i felt that doesn't matter la date tu as long as our ceremony to selamat dan berjalan dgn lancar. last nite i was so damn nervous i tell u. tah pape ntah. tak tentu pasal. takut, worried, happy, syok, sad n many more. macam2 cite la diorang buka. bout the old days and comparing to now. and how we need to take care of our marriage. =)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

2nd month of the year

january is over and february has pulled up it's curtain. which means i am left like 5more months before my marriage. some people at my ofis teasing me saying i am looking forward at it and wish it could be faster. personnally i feel the same, looking forward to sweetest life with a couple, at the same time feeling a bit scared you know la wat i mean.
end bit of my january guess so the time to be having sweetest sin with dearest. we spend some quality time holidaying at pd. we had great time. eating food, walking by the sea side and bathing in the sea. not forgotten myself now can float. yaay! after so many attempts i finally managed to. pastu lps ni mesti syok boleh float ngan hubby sesame. tapi ade la time tu air masuk hidung n mulut. pastu bile teragak2 nak jatuh cpt2 tarik nafas tahan n pejam mata n ringankan badan so if terbalik the water pressure can fastly push urself up. thanks hubby tak bosan2 ajar i float tapi kengkadang tu nampak jugak muke die bengang sbb i tak leh float. i keraskan kepala. pastu dh lps float dua orang, he made a sand love with his first letter + mine. that is [ F + S ] so shweet..we went home on sunday.
i felt so happy. thanks for the holiday. pastu balik rasa lonely sbb we have to be separated. how i wish i cud spend more time with him. takpe brape bulan je lagi. =)
monday was a public holiday for kl coz it is hari wilayah. so i tak keje la. bangun ard 9.30am pastu kemas2 bilik n simpan baju then gi teman hubby kat ofis. he got job to do. syian die rushing sane sini. that nite i tido awal giler sbb i sakit kepala yang amat sangat. pening ok. dari tengkuk sampai kepala. dh lapik perut wif 2 keping roti n milo pastu mkn 2 biji panadol before i sapu minyak angin. i terjaga ard 1 sumthing at that time berpeluh giler. guess so angin plus stress. pk banyak2 la tu. stress sket. maybe psl wedding. hubby pun same. hope he is getting well soon.
yesterday start keje balik. pack balik. traffic omigod jam giler. hari ni pun same. i sampai lambat. kluar awal. bengang je i. btw, ni tgh lunch. nak smbg lunch. bnyk benda nak pk psl wedding lagi ni. ohh.. bile time nak discuss ngan hubby lagi. he skang pun tgh bz. maybe nnt dulu la.