Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


notice my status update... " i am bride to be " whoosshh!! what a big change in my life. soon i'll be sumone's wife. big responsibility that i have to carry. insya-Allah will care for it coz new babies are born soon. well.. a lot more preparation need to be done for my big day. sometimes tak tau dah nak start cite kat mane. sooooo worried. a lot of things man. headache bole datang bile2 masa saje. i'm at ofis stil. doing the budget yg memang dh memuyaki n muyak ok. apsal la orang2 ni sume nak income banyak tapi expenses nak reduce. mmg tak make sense. sbb if u nak income banyak. of course u kena increase kn the marketing cost btul tak. btw 745 soon to be. it's better for me to chow..

well " i am bride to be " wishing for a better day tomorrow.

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