Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, February 5, 2009

* hiccup *

today dh 2 kali hiccup. dh kembung perut minum air banyak sgt. hehehe.. today i was supposed to haf a meeting on malakoff at sentral but it was postponed til further advice. so i cpt2 siapkan budget. i completed the v2 budget. ingat nak discuss ptg tadi ard 4.30pm tapi sbb it involves figure so we decided to discuss it tomoro morning. pastu tgh lunch went to bought magazine 'Pengantin' juz nak tambah2 some ideas lagi for my wedding.

last nite, me n parent went to fiancee's house to have a broader and deeper discussion on our wedding. date and time have been set. insya-Allah, 8 aug 09 nikah malam after isya' and then 9 aug 09 sanding kat our house. now i felt that doesn't matter la date tu as long as our ceremony to selamat dan berjalan dgn lancar. last nite i was so damn nervous i tell u. tah pape ntah. tak tentu pasal. takut, worried, happy, syok, sad n many more. macam2 cite la diorang buka. bout the old days and comparing to now. and how we need to take care of our marriage. =)

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