Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 27, 2009

alicia keys

singing to *no one* *no one* * no oneeee*.. lalalalala..hari ni sgt happy balik umah awal. anyways, balik lagi awal compared to my plan sbb satu ofis blacked out. hahaha.. lucky most of the worksheets dah save. by the way, i nak gi ke dapur corner kejap lagi. nak mamam. nak join. ehh..hari ni cam baru perasan yg my countdown days tinggal 161 days. last time i saw was like 167 days. eh..bile masa plak jalan 6 hari ni. ishh..ishh.. aarrgghhh..bukan tensen tapi terkejut n wat.. lagi roughly 160 days. divided by 30 so round 5 months lagi. hmm.. hmm.. macam2 feelings ade. happy of course, waiting for it, sad, sebak and macam2 la.

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