Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

2nd month of the year

january is over and february has pulled up it's curtain. which means i am left like 5more months before my marriage. some people at my ofis teasing me saying i am looking forward at it and wish it could be faster. personnally i feel the same, looking forward to sweetest life with a couple, at the same time feeling a bit scared you know la wat i mean.
end bit of my january guess so the time to be having sweetest sin with dearest. we spend some quality time holidaying at pd. we had great time. eating food, walking by the sea side and bathing in the sea. not forgotten myself now can float. yaay! after so many attempts i finally managed to. pastu lps ni mesti syok boleh float ngan hubby sesame. tapi ade la time tu air masuk hidung n mulut. pastu bile teragak2 nak jatuh cpt2 tarik nafas tahan n pejam mata n ringankan badan so if terbalik the water pressure can fastly push urself up. thanks hubby tak bosan2 ajar i float tapi kengkadang tu nampak jugak muke die bengang sbb i tak leh float. i keraskan kepala. pastu dh lps float dua orang, he made a sand love with his first letter + mine. that is [ F + S ] so shweet..we went home on sunday.
i felt so happy. thanks for the holiday. pastu balik rasa lonely sbb we have to be separated. how i wish i cud spend more time with him. takpe brape bulan je lagi. =)
monday was a public holiday for kl coz it is hari wilayah. so i tak keje la. bangun ard 9.30am pastu kemas2 bilik n simpan baju then gi teman hubby kat ofis. he got job to do. syian die rushing sane sini. that nite i tido awal giler sbb i sakit kepala yang amat sangat. pening ok. dari tengkuk sampai kepala. dh lapik perut wif 2 keping roti n milo pastu mkn 2 biji panadol before i sapu minyak angin. i terjaga ard 1 sumthing at that time berpeluh giler. guess so angin plus stress. pk banyak2 la tu. stress sket. maybe psl wedding. hubby pun same. hope he is getting well soon.
yesterday start keje balik. pack balik. traffic omigod jam giler. hari ni pun same. i sampai lambat. kluar awal. bengang je i. btw, ni tgh lunch. nak smbg lunch. bnyk benda nak pk psl wedding lagi ni. ohh.. bile time nak discuss ngan hubby lagi. he skang pun tgh bz. maybe nnt dulu la.

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