Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

My everyday routine

Now having breakfast after sending kids to school. The fact that i am going to have another baby soon. I mcm kesian dia. I am currently a bit sad and stress with the condition. With cash mostly. And i have think it through the oher night until i couldnt sleep. Lastly after reciting some zikir to the prophet i managed to sleep. I am worried of many conditions. My husband's health, well being of kids, happiness, commitments and more. I havent got the chance to share it with any one else. Mcm mana eh? My husband pun belom tahu apa2 lagi. Hurmm. Will try to find time to talk to him lah. That is just my thought and how am i going to handle situation. Talk to my mom pun belom. I try myself to control all of these feeligs sbb i tanak affect baby in the tummy. Sian dia. He doesnt know anything pun. Still small. Small sngt. :(

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Husband with his bedak sejuk

Actually he bought the bedak sejuk for me to use (normal lah for ladies kann) tapi dah 2 3 kali dia yg pakai coz he said buat jerawat kecut. So let him try. Actually bedak sejuk yg i tau boleh licinkan kulit, putihkan kulit and few more. Dia bukan mcm u amik collagen drinks or something like that. Kalo i pun takot jgk nk consume all those drinks. Hehehe... Btw, managed to capture his picture wearing it while sleeping. Jangan marah ye.. Wifey gurau :)

Friday, March 24, 2017

It's funny when ppl said something that u think is not appropriate

Let it be.. Let it be.. Let it be.. Hahaha.. Beatles in the morning. Well ni cookies yg i suka tu. Suka kann suka kann.. Hehehe...

Thursday, March 23, 2017

When there are sooo many kids in the house

You will feel like shouting. Yelling. Screaming. Kemas sana sini sepah. Kemas sini sana sepah. Dah lah it is a hot day. Hati i pun panas. Hahahaha... Tp again i am stuck in d situation. Camne nak buat eh?

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Is it just my feelings or me?

Hurmm.. Ntahlah.. This few weeks back mcm cpt je nk emo marah terasa merajuk. Tp tak ckp kat org lain pun. Sendiri recover sendiri. Or is it that i am pregnant? No lah kan. Sometimes dislike it when ppl say if aku kt tmpt ko bnyk dah aku boleh buat. Tapi aku takde kt tmpt ko. If i am at your place lots of things i can do. Hurmm.. Kita human. We tend want to do things that others do. Without knowing that others want to do yours. Hurmm...mcm2 lah.
The other day, husband said he is tired. Cari duit lebih for his family. Tone ckp tu mcm (yes, i know he is the only one working) (yes i know and i remember that) tapi he sounded like he looked down on me. I was sad again. Mcm rasanya siang td baru je sad kan. Mcm2 hal. Biarlah. I je sorang yg faham situation sdiri. Others mmg takkan paham. Haisshh.. :(

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

My lovely son jealous dgn adik dia

Upon putting both kids to sleep, son said he wants to sleep with me next to him. Then came adik who wants to nyek. Then abg already sad and cried and tears flowing from his eyes. "asyik adik je duduk kt mummy, dlm car pun duduk dgn mummy. Abg asyik dgn daddy. Bila sleep pun asyik adik je dgn mummy. Abg pun nk dgn mummy" then out of sudden, like my head kena ketuk ke apa ckp myself blk. "ehh, your son ni jealous dgn adik. Asyik adik je. Kenapa dia takde mcm tu." soooo then i realized ok, maybe he wants more time and attention from me. Hurmm.. Mmg he is 7 yo already tp stil manja. Mcm mana nnt if ada adik lagi satu? Maybe i need to discuss this with hubby. Maybe bagi i day-out ngan babam ke b4 the baby comes out. And adik tggl dgn daddy. I kurang bg attention kat dia rasanya. Maybe he feel that way. Soo tu yg bnyk nak marah mengamuk ckp nk keras je..ok.. Let me see orait. If i can solve this out. Inshaallah..

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Decisions to make

I have always come to this situation where i cant really decide my mind and heart about the decisions that i am going to make. It could be any decision. Food, clothes, going out, housework, this, that. And sometimes it keep me lay flat on my bed with mind thinking i should have done that. I should have done this. Hurmm.. Wondering if anyone has or have gone through the same situation like me. If yes, what do i do? Just do what have just pop out of your mind? But well, that doesnt seem right as well coz dont properly think. Hurmm.. Or do whatever u can within the time and day so that the day wont just pass by again. :( this situation leaves me down and sad sometimes. Owhh NOOOOO! Ni ikut perasaan la ni. Tak elok tau for the baby's growth. Nanti ikut emosi mummy yg pregnant. This time pregnancy, the challenges are more and it plays with the emotional part almost all of the time. The best cure is SMILE, STAY POSITIVE, CHANNEL YOUR MIND, PRAY & LOTS OF PRAY. Inshaallah!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Just some thoughts bout in laws

Hahaha.. What am i doing here typing. I am suppose to go to sleep already. Esok monday, my weekly routine starts again. Bukan sigh. Tp bz driving here n there. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan nya. Aminn.

Earlier i was reading some islamic and non islamic relationships with in laws. Basically, yes semua pun kena maintain good relationship, how to carry yourself, how to blend in and many more. Tp at my situation, just sometimes i ada rs ~~sigh~~ ntah lah. Donno how to explain. Diam je la kalo tak suka. Nak ckp kat sape lagi kan. Hehehe... Kt my parents better takyah kot, buat diorang pening je, kat husband, takyah la jgk, kt kita je la kan..kan.. Yes i do read about the family, every family ada style dia, budaya dia, n kita ni like ppl said yg elok boleh kita amik, yg tak elok takyah amik. Wait, the thing is, our stuffs are getting a lot and a lot walaupon we kurangkan beli already sbb tak tau nak simpan mana. Ni nk kena kurangkan apa lagi. Tak paham kan. Tapi ada jgk sometimes wonder, my mil suka nk kumpul semua her kids+inlaws+cucus under one roof. Sometimes kena bagi space sket. Semua kat situ, like why put all the eggs in one basket. No diversify. Haha. Tp i ni mcm dah tertrap kat situation. Bukan x elok stay with in laws. Tapi kdg2 tu ada masa kita tak paham situation. Hurmm.. #doakanyangbaikbaik

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Check up - went alone

Do to some reasons, cant go for the check up with husband, so went alone after sending kids to school, had my bfast and chiow to see doctor. Reached nearly 9.30 parking penuh. 2 kali round. Aikk early pun ramai ye. Hehe.. Alhamdulillah. It went well, weight, bp, baby's progress, just the uri dekat bawah. Doc said since i am going to be ceasar again, takpe. Just the worried part is takut perut i tak selesa la. Cam sakit sbb kt bwh. Tp ok so far. Takde rasa pelik2 ni. And then the part yg selalu parents dok nak tau is the gender. Doctor ckp tgk2 cam boy. Tapi i tak kisah lah. Yg penting sihat, comel, sempurna, cukup sifat. Hurmm.. A mummy will always pray well for her kids eventhough dah besar. To my babam, love u too sweetheart!!