Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Is it just my feelings or me?

Hurmm.. Ntahlah.. This few weeks back mcm cpt je nk emo marah terasa merajuk. Tp tak ckp kat org lain pun. Sendiri recover sendiri. Or is it that i am pregnant? No lah kan. Sometimes dislike it when ppl say if aku kt tmpt ko bnyk dah aku boleh buat. Tapi aku takde kt tmpt ko. If i am at your place lots of things i can do. Hurmm.. Kita human. We tend want to do things that others do. Without knowing that others want to do yours. Hurmm...mcm2 lah.
The other day, husband said he is tired. Cari duit lebih for his family. Tone ckp tu mcm (yes, i know he is the only one working) (yes i know and i remember that) tapi he sounded like he looked down on me. I was sad again. Mcm rasanya siang td baru je sad kan. Mcm2 hal. Biarlah. I je sorang yg faham situation sdiri. Others mmg takkan paham. Haisshh.. :(

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