Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Check up - went alone

Do to some reasons, cant go for the check up with husband, so went alone after sending kids to school, had my bfast and chiow to see doctor. Reached nearly 9.30 parking penuh. 2 kali round. Aikk early pun ramai ye. Hehe.. Alhamdulillah. It went well, weight, bp, baby's progress, just the uri dekat bawah. Doc said since i am going to be ceasar again, takpe. Just the worried part is takut perut i tak selesa la. Cam sakit sbb kt bwh. Tp ok so far. Takde rasa pelik2 ni. And then the part yg selalu parents dok nak tau is the gender. Doctor ckp tgk2 cam boy. Tapi i tak kisah lah. Yg penting sihat, comel, sempurna, cukup sifat. Hurmm.. A mummy will always pray well for her kids eventhough dah besar. To my babam, love u too sweetheart!!

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