Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

5th ramadhan ~ movie with kids

Dah lama nak tgk movie. Last2 dpt tgk gak. We watched boss baby. Very cute. Dpt tgk dgn kids 2 org. A bit challenging tapi oklah. Mngeable. Bam dah fhm sket. Tp stil small kan. Hari ni i geram sgt dgn kids. Mandi ptg dh jadi mandi malam. Kena rotan dgn hanger. Padan muka.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

2nd day of ramadhan

I plak yg excited. Like i am fasting. Hehehe.. Well a good start for my son. Teaching him how to fast. He only fast until 12pm. But that is enough for me to teach him first. Trying for the first time and i am soo happy. Nnt bila dah ok kita try puasa longer hours k machitom. :) sister finger plak jap2 puasa jap2 tak puasa. Hahaha.. Up to her. But it is sooo cute coz the way she say it. Rasa nak cubit je pipi pau tu. Hehehe.. Oklah. Till then. Good night.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Happy fasting 2017

Alhamdulillah. Another year to fast. Tapi maybe i am not gonna fast. Coz nk kena tambahkan hb blood i. Hurmm.. Risau tau. Hopefully cukup la to the next check up. :) bz sket 1st day today. Husband suruh i pg wash n blow. Out of sudden. I donno why dia suruh pegi. Tadi mcm pelik la kan. Nnt la kita tanya dia. Kdg2 dia ni pun secretive sgt. Dgn wife pun nk secret smp ada time tu i rasa merajuk. K la dgn wife pun nak rahsia2. Hurmm..

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Parenting advice

Was reading a few of parenting experience sort of advice from other ppl. Tapi yelah. Tak semua will face the same thing. Cuma kita as parents kena pandai control situation. The topic was like "discipline starts from HOME" . It is true. Tapi kalo in one house got so many ppl say this say that, eg: mummy, aunties, uncles, grannies, mcm mana eh? Kalo i pun pening. Nk ikut which method?

Me and daughter

Daughter got this thing doesnt like to go to school. Tapi bila i fetch in the afternoon, tak nak pulak balik. Wondering. So many reasons. Kawan asyik gaduh. Takot hujan. Nnt ada subject sembahyang lama, cikgu garang lah. Haishh.. Tu semua mmg kena face in school life. Smp secondary school pun. Si comel ni. Takkan nak tukar sekolah. Or mmg school tu mcm tu? Browsing few schools yg established ni tp fees dia mahal la sket. Omg!!! I looked so pale in that pink kaler shirt. Hahahaha.. :)

Monday, May 22, 2017

Oh God! Do i really love him?

Now tak tau. Tak tau tak tau. Help me.

I ni dah kenapa? I am a bit down.

Donno lah. What's wrong. I just feel i dont want to be friends with anybody. I just nak duduk sengsorang. Lagi elok agaknya! Baca books ke apa. Pregnancy hormones is it? I got like 3 more months before i can actually see my 3rd child. Insyaallah it will be fine. :) oklah.. Nak nap kejap. Bye!

Good luck my son!

Many mummies out there will sure feel the same thing when their kids is having their exam. Mcm nak nangis. Mcm2 pesan dah kat anak ni. This morning when i told my son write his name properly, he said tak nak. Mcm ejek2 plak. Btw, mummy wish u all the best. Semoga boleh jawab dgn btol ok. :)


I donno whether it is true or not

I was checking my touchngo balances when i came through husband's trx. I mcm jadi suspicious plak. Kenapa he is already here midnight 17 tp dia smp rumah on 18. Where did he sleep for the night? Dia overnight ngan sape? Yesterday i asked him pastu he was telling me ada dispute kat trx touchngo dia. And he refers to his colleague pun penah kena macam tu. And i was like ok ni another story to create ke? And he said that kalo dia blk 17 mcm mana nk claim kat ofis. Hurmm.. Ye ke? I just rasa inside he is lying. Creating stories over stories. Bukannya setting my mind ckp dia tipu tapi my feelings je rasa mcm apa ni. Takyah la tipu2. Kalo betol if u wanna get married, tell me, takyah nak do nonsense. Hate it ok. He said he will check with touchngo about the dispute. I pun ye kan je lah. My concept is: apa2 je lah. God is there. I just doa. Kalo btol he did wrong, show it to me. God is fair right. Jangan smp i merajuk nnt. I lari baru tau. Hahahaha... Syian busyuk i dua orang tu. Si manja dgn si busyuk. Kesian tgk diorang. Tapi i rasa sedih kalo btol dia tipu i. Haisshh.. Doa je la banyak2 yg i mampu. Sbb tu yg boleh calm n make me peace. Rs mcm x nak depend on anybody. If that buat u sakit hati. Treating my heart to say SABAR and SABAR. Okay Shim. What comes around goes around. Okaylah nak tido dah. Enough of emotional part tonight. Praying for a better day tomorrow. Inshaallah. :)

Eating activities for my weekend

U know never had this feeling through out my previous pregnancy. With the so HOT weather. I mcm suffocate sgt. Donno whom to talk to. Rs nk balik umah my mum je. Mcm sejuk sket kat hall dia. It was like here dari siang smp malam air cond je. Rs dehudrated pun ada. And my tummy mcm doesnt feel good. Is it baby? I guess so. Husband wanted to apply the oitment tp i rasa tu bukan sbb angin. And i dislike it when ppl say angin angin angin. It is NOT an inherited sickness okay. Geram je. Tapi towards midnight it is getting better. Tu la i berblog kejap ni. Anyway, why i say full of makan. Because since hari tu, mcd with zara, pizza with kids, nasi beryani and kuah kurma, satay, roti canai, cake and mcd again for bday party. Kann bnyk tu namanya. If larat boleh je puasa tp cam tak tahan je. Tgk dulu mcm mana nnt.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

I was a bit too emotional tonight

Gerraamm je. Mmg i tgh emo malam ni. I was like apa ni? Kadang2 ada jgk terpk oowwhhh sbb tu kot i ni tak gemok2. Makin kurus ada lah. Sbb i stress with situation. Yg buat i happy sket. Yang sedih bnyk. Arrgghh forget it lah. Mmg emotional terlebih plak. I think this is one of the reason i am making that one decision. Tapi how true it is? I do not know whom to share it with.. Perhaps diam je. Sometimes diam lagi elok. Tapi ada org ckp bila diam lagi teruk. Hurmm mana tu. :(

Friday, May 19, 2017

Another thing i bought - phone casing

Dah lama giler nak beli kot tapi last2 beli gak kat kedai ustaz after ppl said situ murah murah. Ok admit it. Mmg murah. Mula2 cam.decide simple casing tp sbb cover tmpt charger i dah tercabut, so planned to get the pouch one. Guess how much? Rm6 je. Oklah. I budget dalam rm30. I bukan nak fancy fancy ke apa. Just to cover my phone. Dah rupanya phone i ni bnyk calar n scratch. Tgk la brapa lama tahan ni. Pastu tukar la lain.

New lip matte cream for me

Hehe.. Dari tersurvey trus tersuka. Bought one. Really like it. Just rm29. Being surveying the product dah lama. Last2 yesterday,decided aarrggh beli je la. Nak takot nak takot.tu pun susah.buat decision for diri sendiri.well, here is the photo. At first decided something lighter, then husband said choose redder sket. Oklah. Take the challenge. Enjoys! And me??? Really LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! :)

Monday, May 15, 2017

Happy mother's day!

Happy mother's day to all mummies out there. No any fancy celebration ke apa. Just reciting duas and prayer for my mum for her good health and good condition. At times yes u may argue with ur mum, tp in the end, itu semua hanyalah emosi. Chewahh!! Hehehehe... :) yes sometimes ada things that we feel like sharing with our mums tapi bila pk blk nnt start risau2 pk over2 psl apa yg kita ckp tu. Kalo sorang anak maybe can but if bnyk then pening kepala mak ni. Anyway, mothers day should be everyday kan kan kan? Peace!!!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

I am nervous coz kids nk mid year exam dah!!

Oh gosh! Mummy is nervous soo much. Coz son is starting his mid year exam. Risau lah. Cam dia nak catch up tu. Starts this wednesday with sekolah agama first. Continue till next week. Inshaallah semoga dipermudahkan. Mummy will always pray for your success ye babam comel. Love u very much! U kena learn sbb nnt it will help u when u grown up. Coz mummy will not always be there. Eventhough i wish i could. :( oklah mummy a bit emo today. Till the next post.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Port Dickson - Lexis Hibiscus

Another day here at PD. Let me update 1st before i actually can post bout something else.

Well, after the kids enjoyed themselves very much at the waterpark, balik rest kejap, mandi pack and check out to the next destination. We had our lunch at Muslim seafood restaurant. Costly sket la. Ingt nk pg tmpt selalu tu. Tp jln jam teruk so husband decides to go to the nearest makan place or else we will be wasting time. Anyway, it was a public holiday. Labor day to be exact. We checked in to the hotel around 4pm. And the kids dah  really excited sbb from lobby to the room kena naik buggy plak. Tu yg dia rasa syok and pelik. Hahaha.. Cute kiddos. Sampai room, i was impressed. Tp lps tu ada kabut sket sbb our bfast katanya not included. Check check pastu rupanya ada. So settle kap kat situ for around 30 minutes before we all round the room. I will share the pic here later ok. Experience lain sbb room ni mmg tgh laut btol. And got private pool and got a small glass in the middle of the room on the floor. Basically boleh nmpk laut lah. Kids tak sabar nk masuk pool. Terus tukar baju and get in the pool. Sejuk sket tp they all enjoy it so much. Well, at first told hubby kalo dia in need of money tak yah lah pg holiday kan..save je duit tu. Hurmm.. Semua money money money. Setel pool, kita gi dinner early. Dlm tu jgk. Ada food court by the side of the sea
. Food options not bad. Tp mahal sket lah. Of course mahal sket. Nasi goreng cost around rm9 satu pinggan. Tapi sbb nice and beedap ok to pay for the price. Husband kata malas nak keluar. So kita explore and makan dalam hotel je la. Balik room kids dah ngantuk. Penat swimming lagi. Semua pun flat. Tido awal. Rsnya b4 10 kot. And then in d middle of d nite, i terjaga sbb zafran nk susu. Jalan kat atas glass mirror tu. Ishh tgk bwh gelap je. Laut ni. Wanted to go out and see tp sbb pregnant tak jadi lah. Dah lah tgh mlm kt tgh laut. Mcm2. Anyways i do enjoyed myself as well. Thank you husband for treating us.

Next day bfast. Try not to eat all la sbb perut cpt mengah sekarang ni. So decided to mkn yg btol2 nk mkn. Nasi lemak is not exceptional. That one mesti nak try eventhough mana2 hotel pun. Well, around 10 stop get in the room. Kids swim balik smp dkt 11.30. Not that hot la. Very nice view. Pastu i pun sama join. Masuk sauna sekali ngan zara. What an experience. Dah tu hbs mandi semua packing packing and time to go back to reality. Hahahaa.. Kids were like mummy boleh tak nak tinggal sini lama2. Takyah school. Boleh mandi swimming pool hari2. Syok. I said ehh.. Dok sini pun kena gi school. :) balik lunch dulu nasi ayam bakar. Pastu balik lah. End of story. Ok here is the pics. For me to return back here, mmmm i would say WHY NOT? :)

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Port dickson - Tiara beach resort

Ok. Husband said, we chose this place sbb nak bagi kids enjoy the waterpark. The apartment is just situated next to it. Tp nk masuk waterpark kena byr fees lah. Rm20 per person. Kids really enjoying themselves. Tapi nak smp situ. 2 kali waze bwk gi jalan pelik. Kitorang lagi lah pelik. Apahal bawak pegi situ. We all stay one night kat Tiara tu. For one night ok lah. Just to rest for the day. If u wish to spend the whole day, in the room, u can choose some other place. Only rm150 per night. Beds dusty a bit. Before tido kena kebas2 ngan selimut sket. Coz boleh rasa pasir atas katil dia. Air cond bocor sket. Others ok lah. To rest lps activity siang. Tapi kids suka je. Enjoy themselves. Pegi hotel. :)

Waterpark boleh tahan. Banyak slides and games for kids. Mmg diorang suka lah.smp dh dekat 12 noon pun tak nak balik lagi. Dah chitam dua2 budak kecik. I tak mandi sgt. Dok tepi tu je. Rendam kaki. Daddy yg bnyk tgk diorang. Pegi sana sini. Jaga kids naik slide. I'll share some photos here.

Welcoming May 2017

It is already going 2 be the second week of the month. Lagi la cpt. And just how fast it is that my baby is now actually 25 weeks already. I dont really keep track weekly. I just remembered that it was 20 or 21 weeks the last time i actually checked through the pregnancy calculator. Hahaha.. Mesti la ada check kan. Takkan takde at all. Was so cute. Now the size of timun. Most baju n seluar mmg tak muat lah. Already washed some maternity clothes. So boleh lah pakai. Baju kurung not really can wear. Ingat nak cari baju maternity lagi. Tapi rasanya tak perlu kot. Sbb i tgk semlm dlm beg tu mcm bnyk je lagi. My sis gave a pair to me as well. Maybe undergarments kot i nak kena beli nnt. Guess what? Now the baby is jumping all around in my tummy. Excited and wondering apa yg dia buat nnt ye. :)

Anyway, i wanted to update our short vacation. To the next post ye. Tata!!